San Bernardino Optimal Basin Management

USGS Optimization Training

Basic Concepts

Identify and meet decistion makers

  • Identify the physically-based and political entities that make or significantly affect water-management decisions.
  • Meet with progessively larger groups of these entities.
  • Consider forming a technical advisory committee

Define the water-management problem

  • Define general water-management issues.
  • Define water-management items that can be controlled (decision variables).
  • Write objectives and constraints in commonly used words.
  • Define the water-management time frame (management horizon)

Formulate the problem mathematically

  • Write objectives and constraints as mathematical equations.
  • Formulate an optimization model to solve a specific problem.

Choose computer codes

  • Determine method of calculating response of the groundwater-flow system.
  • Select constrained optimization software.
  • Review formulation with water-management decision makers.

Solve the optimization problem

  • Solve the constrained optimization model using selected software and,
    if necessary, a groundwater-flow model.
  • Review optimization results with decision makers.
  • Reformulate the optimization problem, if necessary.

Develop water-management monitoring system

  • Define and plan to collect additional hydrologic data needed to confirm
    critical water-management assumptions and conclusions.
  • Monitor key decision variables and constraints to determine ongoing
    success of the water-management plan.

Implement water-management plan

San Bernardino Optimal Basin Management

Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) San Bernardino Optimal Basin Management website. This site provides hydrologic data collected or compiled by the USGS in the San Bernardino area; some additional data may be available from the USGS database National Water Information System (NWIS).

Project Chief: Wes Danskin
Phone: 619-225-6132

Questions about Optimal Basin Management? Please contact Wes Danskin (email: or send a letter). 619.225.6132