Cuyama Valley

Cuyama Valley References and Links

Cuyama Valley Publications

Everett, R.R., Gibbs, D.R., Hanson, R.T., Sweetkind, D.S., Brandt, J.T., Falk, S.E. and Harich, C.R., 2013,
Geology, water-quality, hydrology, and geomechanics of the Cuyama Valley groundwater basin, California, 2008-12: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5108, 62 p.
Everett. R.R., Hanson, R.T., and Sweetkind, D.S., 2011,
Kirschenmann Road multi-well monitoring site, Cuyama Valley, Santa Barbara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1292, 4 p.
Hanson, R.T., Flint, L.E., Faunt, C.C., Gibbs, D.R., and Schmid, W., 2014,
Hydrologic models and analysis of water availability in Cuyama Valley, California: U.S Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5150, 150 p.,
Hanson, Randall T., and Sweetkind, Donald, 2014,
Cuyama Valley, California hydrologic study—An assessment of water availability: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2014-3075, 4 p.,
Kellogg, K.S., Minor, S.A., and Cossette, P.M., 2008,
Geologic Map of the Eastern Three-Quarters of the Cuyama 30' x 60' Quadrangle, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3002, scale 1:100,000, 2 plates, 1 pamphlet, 23 p.
Singer, J.A., and Swarzenski, W.V., 1970,
Pumpage and groundwater storage depletion in Cuyama Valley California, 1947-66: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Rile Report 70-304, 24 p.
Sweetkind, D.S., Faunt, C.C., and Hanson, R.T., 2013,
Construction of 3-D geologic framework and textural models for Cuyama Valley groundwater basin, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5127, 46 p.
Upson, J.E., and Worts, G.F., 1951,
Groundwater in the Cuyama Valley, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1110-B, 81 p.

Other Publications

Ahlfeld, D.P., Barlow, P.M., and Mulligan, A.E., 2005,
GWM-A Ground-Water Management Process for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model (MODFLOW-2000): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1072, 124p.
Anderson, J.R., Hardy, E.E., Roach, J.T., and Witmer, R.E., 1976,
A land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964, 28 p.
Barlow, P.M., 2005,
Use of Simulation-Optimization Modeling to Assess Regional Ground-Water Systems: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005-3095, 4 p.
Belitz, K., Dubrovsky, N.M., Burow, K., Jurgens, B., and Johnson, T., 2003,
Framework for a groundwater quality monitoring and assessment program for California: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 2003-4166, 78p.
California Department of Water Resources, 2000,
Land use.
Faunt, C.C., Hanson R.T., and Belitz, K., 2008,
Development of a Model to Assess Ground-water Availability in California's Central Valley: AWRA Impact, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 27-30.
Flint, A.L., Flint, L.E., Hevesi, J.A., and Blainey, J.M., 2004,
Fundamental concepts of recharge in the Desert Southwest: a regional modeling perspective, in Hogan, J.F., Phillips, F.M., and Scanlon, B.R., eds., Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States, Washington D.C., Water Science and Applications Series, Vol. 9, American Geophysical Union, pp. 159-184.
Flint, A.L., and Flint, L.E., 2007a,
Application of the basin characterization model to estimate in-place recharge and runoff potential in the Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system, White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent areas in Nevada and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5099, 20p.
Flint, L.E. and Flint, A.L., 2007b,
Estimation of hourly stream temperatures in unmeasured tributaries to the lower Klamath River, California: J. of Environmental Quality, 37:57-68.
Flint, L.E., and Flint, A.L., 2007c,
Regional analysis of groundwater recharge, in Stonestrom, D.A., Constantz, J., Ferré, T.P.A., and Leake, S.A., eds., Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1703, p. 29-59.
Halford, K. J., and Hanson, R.T., 2002,
User's Guide User Guide for the Drawdown-Limited, Multi-Node Well (MNW) Package for the U.S. Geological Survey's Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model, Versions MODFLOW-96 and MODFLOW-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OFR02-293, 33 p.
Hanson, R.T., Anderson, S.R., and Pool, D.R., 1990,
Simulation of groundwater flow and potential land subsidence, Avra Valley, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 90-4178, 41 p.
Hanson, R.T., and Benedict J.F., 1993,
Simulation of groundwater flow and potential land subsidence, upper Santa Cruz River Basin, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Resources Investigation Report 93-4196, 47 p.
Hanson, R.T., 2001,
U.S. Geological Survey deep-aquifer monitoring-well site, Marina, California: U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-242, 2 p.
Hanson, R.T., Wentworth, C. M., Newhouse, M. W. , Williams, C. F. , Noce, T. E., and Bennett, M.J., 2002,
Santa Clara Valley Water District Multiple-Aquifer Monitoring-Well Site at Coyote Creek Outdoor Classroom, San Jose, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OFR02-369, 4 p.
Hanson, R.T., Martin, P., Koczot, K M., 2003,
Simulation of groundwater/surface-water flow in the Santa Clara - Calleguas basin, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 02-4136, 214 p.
Hanson, R.T., Li, Z., and Faunt C., 2004,
Documentation of the Santa Clara Valley regional groundwater/surface-water flow model, Santa Clara County, California: Scientific Investigations Report SIR2004-5231 , 75 p.
Hanson, R.T. and Dettinger, M.D., 2005,
Ground-water/Surface-water responses to Global Climate Simulations, Santa Clara-Calleguas Basin, Ventura County, California, 1950-93: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol. 43, No.3, pp. 517-536.
Harbaugh, A.W., Banta. E.R., Hill, M.C., and McDonald, M.G., 2000,
MODFLOW-2000, The U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model - User guide to modularization concepts and the groundwater flow process: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-92, 121 p.
Harbaugh, A.W., 2005. MODFLOW-2005,
The U.S. Geological Survey modular groundwater model-the Ground-Water Flow Process: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A16, variously paginated.
Hoffmann, J�rn, Leake, S.A., Galloway, D.L., and Wilson, A.M., 2003,
MODFLOW-2000 groundwater modeluser guide to the subsidence and aquifer-system compaction (SUB) package: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-233, 46 p.
Izbicki, J.A., Christensen, A.H., Hanson, R.T., 1999,
U.S. Geological Survey Combined Well-bore Flow and Depth-dependent Water Sampler: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 196-99, 2 p.
Izbicki, J.A., 2004,
A small-diameter sample pump for collection of depth-dependent samples from production wells under pumping conditions: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS2004-3096, 2p.
Mathany, T.M., Kulongski, J.T., Ray, M.C., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2009,
Groundwater-quality data in the South Coast Interior Basins study unit, 2008: Results from the California GAMA program: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 463, 82 p.
Niswonger, R.G., and Prudic, D.E., 2005,
Documentation of the Streamflow-Routing (SFR2) Package to include unsaturated flow beneath streams-A modification to SFR1: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A13.
Niswonger, R.G., Prudic, D.E., and Regan, R.S., 2006,
Documentation of the Unsaturated-Zone Flow (UZF1) Package for modeling unsaturated flow between the land surface and the water table with MODFLOW-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A19, 74 p.
Phillips SP, Green CT, Burow KR, Shelton JL, and Rewis DL (2007)
Simulation of Multiscale Ground-Water Flow in Part of the Northeastern San Joaquin Valley, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5009, 43p.
Pierotti, B., and Lewy, R., 1998,
Evaluation of groundwater overdraft in the southern central coast region: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, Technical Information Record SD-91-1, 13p.
Schmid, Wolfgang, and Hanson R.T., 2008,
The Farm Process Version 2 (FMP2) for MODFLOW-2005 - Modifications and Upgrades to FMP1: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques in Water Resources Investigations, Book ??, Chapter 7, 113-140p.
Schmid, W., Hanson, R.T., Maddock III, T.M., and Leake, S.A., 2006,
User's guide for the Farm Package (FMP1) for the U.S. Geological Survey's modular three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model, MODFLOW-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Scientific Methods Report Book 6, Chapter A17, 127p.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2005,
National Agriculture Imagery Program, 1 meter resolution
U.S. Geological Survey, 2008,
Facing Tomorrow's Challenges - An Overview: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet: fs2008-3008, 4 p.
U.S. Geological Survey, 2007,
A Water Census of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet: fs2007-3112, 4 p.

Cuyama Valley Reports & Background

Pumpage and Ground-Water Storage Depletion in Cuyama Valley, California, 1947-66
Opens a PDF of the U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 70-304 which describes the water-level declines and the amount of water depletion, the amount of groundwater used and the losses of groundwater from evapotranspiration, as well as the potential water-quality issues. Supporting map, in PDF format, of general geology, selected wells and geologic sections from this report.
Ground Water in the Cuyama Valley, California
Opens a PDF of the U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1110-B which includes estimates of natural discharge, pumpage, and yield of groundwater, and all the data on water levels, well records, and water quality that were available up to June 1946 in the Cuyama Valley.
Cuyama Groundwater Basin
Opens a PDF file from the Santa Barbara county web site which describes groundwater conditions in the Cuyama Valley.
Cuyama Valley Groundwater Basin
Opens a PDF of the California Groundwater Bulletin 118 with information on groundwater in the Cuyama Valley, California
Cuyama Valley
As described in Wikipedia.

Other Reports & Background

Groundwater-Quality Data in the South Coast Interior Basins Study Unit, 2008: Results from the California GAMA Program
Opens an abstract of the U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 463


Prepared in cooperation with Santa Barbara County Water Agency

View video transcript


Hanson, R.T., Flint, L.E., Faunt, C.C., Gibbs, D.R., and Schmid, W., 2014,
Hydrologic models and analysis of water availability in Cuyama Valley, California: U.S Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5150, 150 p.,
Hanson, Randall T., and Sweetkind, Donald, 2014,
Cuyama Valley, California hydrologic study—An assessment of water availability: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2014-3075, 4 p.,


Claudia C. Faunt, Ph.D., P.E.
Program Chief, Groundwater Availability and Use Assessments
U.S. Geological Survey
California Water Science Center
4165 Spruance Road, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92101

Matthew Scrudato
Senior Hydrologist
Santa Barbara County Public Works Department
620 West Foster Road
Santa Maria, CA 93455