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RIP: Riparian Evapotranspiration Package

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RIP: Riparian Evapotranspiration Package

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RIP: Riparian Evapotranspiration Package

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Abbreviation in Name file



The Riparian Evapotranspiration package allows the user to model evapotranspiration separately for multiple plant functional groups within a single cell. Each functional plant group can have a separate transpiration flux curve.


Maddock, Thomas, III, Baird, K.J., Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, and Ajami, Hoori, 2012, RIP-ET: A riparian evapotranspiration package for MODFLOW-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A39, 76 p.

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Other Notes

Input to the RIP-ET is read from the file that has type “RIP” in the name file. All variables in datasets are read in free format if the option “FREE” is specified in the MODFLOW-2005 BASIC Package input file; otherwise, variables have 10-character fields, or are specified character field lengths.

For Each Simulation

Data Set 1


MAXRIP is the maximum number of riparian cells.

MAXPOLY is the maximum number of polygons in a cell.

IRIPCB is a cell-by-cell flow flag and unit number.

IRIPCB>0, unit number to which the total evapotranspiration rate for each cell will be written when SAVE BUDGET or a non-zero value of ICBCFL is specified in output control.
IRIPCB=0, cell-by-cell terms not written.
IRIPCB<0, the ET rate for each plant functional subgroup will be written to the LIST file by cell when SAVE BUDGET or a non-zero value of ICBCFL is specified in output control.

IRIPCB1 is a flag and unit number.

IRIPCB1>0, unit number to which the location, land-surface elevation, and transpiration rates for each plant functional subgroup and cell are saved.
IRIPCB1≤0, the values are not saved.

Data Set 2


MAXTS is the total number of plant functional subgroups. At present, MAXTS should less than or equal to 20.

MXSEG is the maximum number of segments in any plant functional subgroup for the interpolation of transpiration canopy flux as a function of hydraulic head.

Items 3, 4, and 5 are read for each plant functional subgroup.

Data Set 3

RIPNM Sxd Ard Rmax Rsxd NuSeg

RIPNM are the plant functional subgroup names, such as:

Obligate wetland: low, medium or high density.

Shallow-rooted riparian: low, medium, or high density.

Deep-rooted riparian: small, medium, or large size.

Transitional-riparian: small, medium, or large size.

RIPNM is string of up to 24 characters.

Sxd is the saturated extinction depth with respect to the surface elevation, (L). (A negative depth is above land surface).

Plot of evapotranspiration on the X axis vs. elevation on the Y Axis.

Ard is the active root depth, (L).

Plot of evapotranspiration on the X axis vs. elevation on the Y Axis.

Rmax is the maximum transpiration or evaporation flux, (L/t).

Plot of evapotranspiration on the X axis vs. elevation on the Y Axis.

Rsxd is the transpiration canopy flux at the saturated extinction depth or the maximum evaporation rate, (L/t).

Plot of evapotranspiration on the X axis vs. elevation on the Y Axis.

NuSeg is the number of active segments to perform a linear interpolation for a plant functional subgroup.

Data Set 4

fdh(1) fdh(2) ... fdh(NuSeg)

fdh is the dimensionless active root depth segment (eqn. 5.1, dimensionless).

Illustration of the "d" values

Data Set 5

fdR(1) fdR(2) ... fdR(NuSeg)

fdR is the dimensionless flux segment (eqn. 5.2, dimensionless).

Illustration of the rate values

For Each Stress Period

Data Set 6

ITMP is a flag or the number of riparian cells.

≥ 0, number of riparian cells active during the current stress period.
< 0, same riparian cells active during last stress period will be active during the current stress period.

Repeat 7 and 8 until all riaparian cells have been read.

The following data are read for each riparian cell.

Data Set 7

Layer Row Column NPOLY

Layer is the layer number of the riparian cell.

Row is the row number of the riparian cell.

Column is the column number of the riparian cell.

NPOLY is the number of polygons in a cell.

And for each polygon within the riparian cell, read data set 8

Data Set 8

HSURF fCov(1) ... fCov(MAXTS)

HSURF is the land-surface elevation of a polygon in a riparian cell.

fCov is the fraction of land coverage of a plant functional subgroup for a polygon within a cell; for each polygon, there may be multiple plant functional subgroups.