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Farm Process

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Farm Process

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Abbreviation in Name file



To dynamically simulate the integrated supply-and-demand components of irrigated agricultural to thoroughly understand the interrelation between surface water and groundwater flow in areas where the water-use by vegetation is an important component of the water budget.


Schmid, Wolfgang, Hanson, R.T., Maddock, Thomas, III, Leake, S.A., 2006, User guide for the farm process (FMP1) for the U.S. Geological Survey’s modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model, MODFLOW-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A17, 127 p. (
Schmid, Wolfgang, and Hanson R.T., 2009, The Farm Process Version 2 (FMP2) for MODFLOW-2005 - Modifications and Upgrades to FMP1: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques in Water Resources Investigations, Book 6, Chapter A32, 102p. (

Supported in


Other Notes

The Farm Process uses unit numbers 1001 through 1009 internally.
If the Farm Process is used in a child model, it must also be used in the parent model.


Data for each Simulation (Data items 0-20b)

Item No.

Input instruction for each item


[#Text] read if ‘#’ is specified (can be repeated multiple times)

Item 0 is optional—“#” must be in column 1. Item 0 can be repeated multiple times.

Text—is a character variable (199 characters) that starts in column 2. Any characters can be included in Text. The “#” character must be in column 1. Except for the name file, lines beginning with # are restricted to these first lines of the file. Text is printed when the file is read.


[PARAMETER NPFWL MXL {MXLP}] read with READOP[9] if word ‘PARAMETER’ is specified

Number of farm well parameters (changeable parameter is a multiplier of the maximum capacity).

Maximum number of parameter farm wells.

Flag indicating the automatic use of parent parameter farm-well list entries for the child model (if ILGR>0 and for child model grids where IGRID>1) (only character “P” or blank possible).

If MXLP is set to P after MXL, then the maximum number of parent model parameter farm-well list entries may be used as child model parameter farm wells in well locations, where the child model farm ID coincides with the parent model farm ID. IF MXLP=P, then the maximum number of parent model parameter farm-well list entries as specified for the parent model (MXL of parent model) is added to the maximum number of parameter wells list entries specified in the child model, MXL, to allocate space for parameter farm-wells list entries specified in the child model AND pulled from the parent model. If only the use of parent model parameter wells for a child model is desired, and no child model specific parameter farm wells exist, MXL still needs to be specified as zero. If only the use of child model parameter wells is desired, and no parent model parameter farm wells are to be pulled from the parent mode, then MXLP is omitted.


[FLAG_BLOCKS] specify word ‘FLAG_BLOCKS’ only if flags are to be specified by blocks.



Parameter Dimensions

Maximum number of active farm wells including parameter and nonparameter farm wells. Nonparameter farm wells are wells, whose maximum capacity is different for each stress period. In this case, each well-list (layer, location, farm-well farm ID, maximum capacity) would have to be read for each stress period. However, since the maximum capacity in most cases is thought to be constant for the entire simulation, usually the maximum number of nonparameter farm wells will be zero, that is, MXL = MXACTFW.

Flag indicating the automatic use of parent nonparameter farm-well list entries for the child model (if ILGR>0 and for child model grids where IGRID>1) (only character “P” or blank possible).

If MXACTFWP is set to P after MXACTFW, then the maximum number of parent model nonparameter farm-well list entries may be used as child model nonparameter farm wells in well locations where the child model farm ID coincides with the parent model farm ID. If MXACTFWP =P, then the maximum number of parent model nonparameter farm-well list entries specified for the parent model (MXACTFW of parent model) is added to the maximum of nonparameter wells list entries specified in the child model, MXACTFW, to allocate space for nonparameter farm-wells list entries specified in the child model AND pulled from the parent model. If only the use of parent model nonparameter wells for a child model is desired, and no child model specific nonparameter farm wells exist, MXACTFW still needs to be specified as zero. If only the use of child model nonparameter wells is desired, and no parent model nonparameter farm wells are to be pulled from the parent model, then MXACTFWP is omitted.

Maximum number of water-balance subregions (farms) specified during the entire simulation.

Number of crop types.

Number of soil types.

For child model NFARMS, NCROPS, NSOILS

Attributing parent-model list entries to farm IDs, crop IDs, or soil IDs present in the child model domain can be enabled by setting IFID, ICID, and ISID in items 5, 7, 8, and 28 to “P.” If such a derivation of farm, crop-type, or soil-type specific attributes from the parent model is desired, then maximum number of farms, crop types, and soil types in the child model must be equal to the dimension specified in the parent model.


Variable Farm ID flag (1, 2, P possible)

1 = Farms (IFID(IC, IR)) specified for the entire simulation. (Data Set 6)

2 = Farms (IFID(IC, IR)) specified for each stress period. (Data Set 26)

P = Farms in child model are specified the same way as in the parent model.

Root depth flag (1,2,3, "P" possible)

1 = Root depth specified for the entire simulation. (Data Set 11)

2 = Root depth specified for each stress period. (Data Set 29)

3 = Root depth calculated as average for each time step from daily time series of root depth calculated from climate-data (Tmin, Tmax) read as time series for the entire simulation in Item 16 and a list of crop specific coefficients (coefficients for growing degree day calculation, polynomial coefficients, coefficients for root depth calculation) (Schmid and others, p. 47f) read for the entire simulation in Item 15.

P = Root depths specified or calculated for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IRTFL entry) are automatically used for crop IDs present in the child model. No additional crop-specific root depth list entries (for parent IRTFL=1, 2, 3) or climate data time series (for parent IRTFL=3) are necessary.

Consumptive-use flag (-1, 1, 2, 3, “P” possible)

3 = FMP3 calculates a daily potential crop evapotranspiration flux (ETc-pot) by multiplying a daily reference evapotranspiration flux (ETref) read as time series for the entire simulation in Item 16 with a daily crop coefficient Kc derived from parameters read for the entire simulation as Item 15 (ETc-pot = Kc*ETref). FMP3 multiplies a daily ETc-pot averaged over each time step by the area of each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each time step. FMP3 multiplies the daily ETref flux averaged over each time step by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each time step. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
2 = A list of crop specific fluxes of potential crop evapotranspiration (ETc-pot) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, ETc-pot flux) for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies this ETc-pot flux by the area of the each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3’s fallow-cell option (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) cannot be used because no ETref flux is read if ICUFL = 2.
1 = A list of crop specific fluxes of potential crop evapotranspiration (ETc-pot) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, ETc-pot flux) for every stress period and a constant or 2D real array reference evapotranspiration ETref (NCOL,NROW) is read as Item 30b for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETc-pot flux by the area of the cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETref flux by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each stress period. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
-1 = A list of crop specific crop coefficients (Kc) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, Kc) for every stress period and a constant or 2D real array of reference evapotranspiration ETref (NCOL,NROW) is read as Item 30b for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies the Kc by the ETref flux and by the area of each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETref flux by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each stress period. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
P = Potential crop-evapotranspiration flux (ETc-pot) or crop coefficients (Kc) specified or calculated for parent model (as defined by the parent model’s ICUFL entry) are automatically used for crop IDs present in child model. No additional crop-specific ETc-pot list entries (for parent ICUFL=1,2), Kc, list entries (for parent ICUFL=-1), reference ET arrays (for parent ICUFL=-1,1), or crop-specific growing degree coefficients and climate data time series (for parent ICUFL=3) are necessary. For parent ICUFL=–1,1, the child-model reference evapotranspiration at the child-model grid resolution is automatically derived from the parent-model reference evapotranspiration by bilinear interpolation.

Precipitation flag (2, 3, “P” possible)

2 = Precipitation flux specified for the each stress period (Data Set 33)
3 = Precipitation flux calculated as average for each time step from daily time series of precipitation flux specified in climate-data time series read in Item 16 for the entire simulation.
P = Precipitation flux specified or calculated for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IPFL entry) is automatically used for the child model. No additional precipitation-flux array (for parent IPFL=2) or time-series (for parent IPFL=3) data sets are necessary. For parent IPFL=2, the child-model precipitation-flux array at the child-model grid resolution is automatically derived from the parent-model array by bilinear interpolation.

Fraction-of-transpiration-and-evaporation-of-crop-consumptive-use flag (1, 2, “P” possible)

1 = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 12).
2 = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for each stress period (Data Set 31).
P = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IFTEFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific FTR, FEP, or FEI list entries are necessary.

Fraction-of-inefficiency-losses-to-SW-runoff flag (0, 1, 2, “P” possible)

0 = The fraction of inefficiency losses to surface-water runoff is proportional to the slope of ground surface. The slope is estimated by FMP by a third order finite difference method using all eight outer points of the 3 ×3 kernel surrounding the cell. At cells directly adjacent to the boundary or the corners of the grid domain, the slope is calculated by using a 2 × 3 or 2 × 2 kernel, respectively. There is no data input required for FIESWP and FIESWI if IIESWFL is zero.
1 = Fractions of in-efficient losses to surface-water runoff related to precipitation and irrigation specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 13).
2 = Fractions of in-efficient losses to surface-water runoff related to precipitation and irrigation specified for each stress period (Data Set 32).
P = Fraction of inefficiency losses to surface-water runoff specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IIESWFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific FIESWP or FIESWI list entries are necessary. For parent IESWFL=0, the slope of child-model cells is calculated as described above on the basis of a ground surface-elevation array either derived automatically the parent elevation by bilinear interpolation (GSURF=P) or on a child-model specific elevation array.

Efficiency Flag (1, 2, “P” possible)

1 = On-farm efficiency either as OFE(Farm-ID) per farm or as OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) per farm and per crop specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 7).

2 = On-farm efficiency either as OFE(Farm-ID) per farm or as OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) per farm and per crop specified for each stress period (Data Set 27).

P = Efficiency list entries or arrays specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IEFFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific OFE list entries are necessary.

Water Policy Flags

Efficiency Behavior Flag

For IEBFL = 0,1: Cell-by-cell efficiency does not vary with changing groundwater level, but cell-by-cell delivery may vary with changing groundwater level. However, farm efficiency may vary in response to reduced delivery during deficit irrigation (if IDEFFL = –1).

0 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell efficiency is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level. Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each stress period.
1 = Conservative Behavior – Cell -by-cell efficiency is held constant over time with respect to changing groundwater level. Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each time step.

For IEBFL = 2,3: Cell-by-cell efficiency varies with changing groundwater level, but cell-by-cell delivery does not vary with changing groundwater level. However, farm delivery may vary in response to deficit irrigation (if IDEFFL = –1).

2 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell delivery is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level (evaluation of initial total delivery requirement (TDR) per cell at first iteration of first time step of each stress period). Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each stress period.
3 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell delivery is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level (evaluation of initial total delivery requirement (TDR) per cell at first iteration of each time step). Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each time step.

Crop rotation flag:

< 0 Crop Type changes temporally and spatially at every stress period (CID 2D array is read for each stress period Data Set 28)
= 0 No crop rotation (CID 2D array is read for the entire simulation). (See Data Set 10.)
> 0 No crop rotation (CID 2D array is read for the entire simulation), and IROTFL = Stress period that is equal to Non-Irrigation Season. (See Data Set 10.)

Deficiency Scenario flag:

–2 = Water Stacking (See Data Set 17.)
–1= Deficit Irrigation
0 = “Zero Scenario” where no policy is applied and if demand exceeds supply, it is assumed to be supplied by other imported sources
1 = Acreage-Optimization (See Data Sets 18, 19, 34 and 35.)
2 = Acreage-Optimization with Water Conservation Pool (only if SFR is specified in Name File, if a diversion from a river segment into a diversion-segment is specified in the SFR input file, and if routed or semi-routed deliveries from such a diversion-segment into farms can occur (IRDFL = 1, -1 or ISRDFL = 1, 2). (See Data Sets 18, 19, 34 and 35.)
3 = Acreage-Optimization (a-priori) (Undocumented and incomplete.)
4 = Acreage-Optimization with Water Conservation Pool (a-priori) (Undocumented and incomplete.)

Crop-Benefits Flag (only to specify if IDEFFL > 0):

1 = crop benefits list read for the entire simulation  (See Data Set 18.)
2 = crop benefits list read for each stress period (See Data Set 34.)

Water-Cost Coefficients Flag (only to specify if IDEFFL > 0):

0 = lumped water cost coefficients for the entire simulation. This option is never allowed.
1 = water cost coefficients for each farm for the entire simulation (See Data Set 19.)
2 = water cost coefficients for each farm for each stress period (See Data Set 35.)

Variable Groundwater Allotment flag (0, 1, 2, P possible).

0 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) are not specified, and the maximum capacity of each farm to deliver potential groundwater supply is limited by the total pumping capacity of all farm wells that are related to each water-balance subregion (farm).

1 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) specified for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 20.)

2 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) specified for each stress period. (See Data Set 25.)

P = use parent-model groundwater allotments and bypass reading ALLOTGW per simulation or stress period. For child IALLOTGW=P and parent IALLOTGW=1, no additional data are required for the child model.

Crop Consumptive-Use Flag

Concept used for the approximation of ET-fluxes with changing head:

1 for consumptive use Concept 1 = plant-and soil-specific pseudo steady state transpiration approximated by analytical solution: A restriction of active root zone corresponding to anoxia- or wilting-related pressure heads is determined by FMP by using analytical solutions of a vertical pseudo steady state pressure head distribution over the depth of the total root zone. (FMP3 not linked to UZF1). (See data sets 9 and 14.)
2 for consumptive use Concept 2 = nonplant- and nonsoil-specific simplification of Concept 1. (FMP3 not linked to UZF1).
3 for consumptive use Concept 1 = plant-and soil-specific pseudo steady state transpiration approximated by analytical solution: A restriction of active root zone corresponding to anoxia- or wilting-related pressure heads is determined by FMP by using analytical solutions of a vertical pseudo steady state pressure head distribution over the depth of the total root zone. (FMP3 linked to UZF1: FMP3 farm identification arrays linked to coinciding UZF1 infiltration arrays). (See data sets 9 and 14.)
4 for consumptive use Concept 2 = nonplant- and nonsoil-specific simplification of Concept 1. (FMP3 linked to UZF1: FMP3 farm identification arrays linked to coinciding UZF1 infiltration arrays).
P = Consumptive use Concept specified in parent model is used for child model. For child ICCFL=P and parent ICCFL=1, no additional data are required for crop-specific PSI list entries for the child model.

Surface-Water Flags

Non-Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag: (0, 1, “P” possible) :

0 = no Non-Routed Surface-Water Delivery (NRD) exists.
1 = NRDs exist. A farm related list of Volumes, Ranks, and Use-Flags of NRD will be read. (Data Set 36)
P = A farm related list of Volumes, Ranks, and Use-Flags of NRDs for the parent model (as specified by the initial parent model’s INRDFL entry) is automatically used for the child model. No additional list entries for the child model are necessary. INRDFL=P allows the scaling of ranked NRDs to parent or child model farm by the ratio between the residual parent or child farm demand and the joint residual parent plus child demand. For IGRID=1, the ranked NRDs to the residual parent model farm are scaled by the ratio (residual parent farm demand/joint residual parent+child farm demand). For IGRID>1, the ranked NRDs to the child model farm are scaled by the ratio (child farm demand/joint residual parent+child farm demand) and adopt NRD-Ranks and NRD-Use flag setting from the parent model NRD data input.

(Limitation: not allowed for WELLFIELD option).

Maximum number of non-routed delivery types (read if INRDFL = 1, if ILRG=0, or if ILGR>0, and for parent model grids where IGRID=1, or if ILGR>0, and for child model grids where IGRID>1 and INRDFL=1). MXNRDT is omitted if ILGR>0 and for child model grids where IGRID>1 and INRDFL=P. In this case, memory for NRD related attributes is allocated by twice the number of parent-MXNRDT to save old RNDRs for each type before scaling it down as a result of prorating for parent and child farm NRDs. (See Data Set 33)

Semi-Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag:

0 = no Semi-Routed Surface-Water Delivery exists
1 or 2 = Semi-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries exist. (Routing surface-water along a river or major canal, and allocating non-routed deliveries from a point of diversion). A farm related list of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for a point of diversion will be read (only if SFR or SWR1 is specified in Name File). An additional flag for each.
1 = List of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for SFR is read for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 21a.)
2 = List of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for SFR is read for each stress period. (See Data Set 37a.)

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) with a head-gate (SFR in Name File), for a child model farm without any stream network (IGRID>1; SFR not in Name File), and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = A point of diversion along the stream network defined for the parent model by row and column coordinates or segment and reach number (as defined by the parent model’s ISRDFL settting) is also used to receive the residual demand of child model farm in addition to the residual demand of parent model farm. No additional farm-specific SRD list entries are required for the child model.

The child model farm without a head-gate reach does not have any actual farm delivery from surface water from an own source, but may receive deliveries from the parent farm head gate subject to availability. Parent and child farms may either receive actual surface-water deliveries in full or at a reduced rate depending on whether their cumulative demand is less or more than the available supply:

If the sum of residual demands of parent and child model farms exceeds any supply constraints, such as the available streamflow or surface-water allotment in the parent model head-gate reach, then
the entire constraint will be diverted from the streamflow available at the parent farm’s head-gate reach, and
the residual delivery requirement of both farms will be reduced to the respective constraint. This is accomplished by scaling the delivery requirement of the residual parent or child farm farm by the ratio [constraint/(parent farm demand + sum of demands of all child model farms)]. The reduced demand will be passed on to the farm budget.
If the sum of residual demands of parent and child model farms does not exceed any supply constraints, then
the child farm demand, in addition to parent farm demand, is diverted from the streamflow available at the parent farm’s head-gate reach, and
the residual delivery requirement of both farms will by supplied in full and passed on to the farm budget.

Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag (0, 1, –1, “P” possible):

0 = no surface-water delivery exists.
1 = fully-routed surface-water delivery may occur from the uppermost reach of a series of diversion-segment reaches located within a farm. Caution: Streamflow fully-routed through a conveyance network directly to a farm can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File, (2) if at least one reach of a diversion segment is located within the farms, and (3) if streamflow is available.
–1 = fully-routed surface-water delivery may occur from the uppermost reach of a series of reaches of any type of stream segment located within a farm. Caution: Streamflow fully-routed through a conveyance network directly to a farm can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File, (2) if at least one reach of a any type of segment is located within the farms, and (3) if streamflow is available.
P = The IRDFL flag setting defined for the parent model will be applied. Fully routed surface-water delivieries within a child model are subject to SFR being specified in the child model Name File and the existence of a respective segment (diversion segment for IRDFL=1; any type of segment for IRDFL=-1).

Semi-Routed Surface-Water Runoff Return Flow Flag (0, 1, 2, “P” possible):

0 = No locations along the stream network are specified for any farm, where semi-routed runoff return flow is recharged into the stream network. Runoff is either automatically prorated over non-diversion-segment reaches located within a farm, or automatically recharged into one non-diversion-segment reach nearest to the lowest elevation of the farm.
1 or 2 = For each farm, a location is specified anywhere along the stream network, where semi-routed runoff return flow is recharged anywhere in the active model domain. A farm-related list of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers for a point of runoff return flow recharge will be read (only if SFR is specified in Name File).
1 = List of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers and target of Semi-routed Delivery to SFR or indirectly to SWR through an SFR segment is read for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 21b.)
2 = List of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers and target of Semi-routed Delivery to SFR or indirectly to SWR through an SFR segment is read for each stress period. (See Data Set 37b.)

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) with a head-gate (SFR in Name File), for a child model farm without any stream network (IGRID>1; SFR not in Name File), and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = A point of return flow recharge along the stream network for the parent model by row and column coordinates or segment and reach number (as defined by the parent model’s ISRRFL setting) is also used to receive the cumulative runoff return flow of the child model farm in addition the return flow of the parent-model farm. If the parent ISRRFL ≥ 1 and zero coordinates are specified for the return flow location of a parent farm, then the return flow from the child model is added to “automatic fully routed runoff return flow” prorated over drain segments found within the parent model farm or to “automatic semi-routed runoff return flow” discharged into a reach remote from the parent farm, but nearest to the lowest elevation of the parent farm. No additional farm-specific SRR list entries are required for the child model.

The absence of a SFR network within the child model domain does not allow the child farm to return runoff to any specified our automatically detected reaches. However, the child farm may return runoff to the parent farm’s return flow reaches, which may be specified or automatically detected as reaches within the farm domain or as a remote reach nearest to the lowest elevation of the parent farm.

Routed Surface-Water Runoff Return Flow Flag (0, 1, –1, “P” possible):

0 = no surface-water runoff return flow possible (no SFR specified in Name File).
1 = surface-water runoff may be returned as fully-routed return flow to a series of non-diversion-segment reaches located within a farm (prorated over each reach weighted by the reach length). Caution: Fully-routed return flow directly from a farm to a series of non-diversion-segment reaches can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File and (2) if at least one reach of a non-diversion segment is located within the farm. Also, it occurs if segment and reach of farm in the SRD input file are set to 0.
–1 = fully surface-water runoff may be returned as fully-routed return flow to a series of reaches of any segment of stream type located within a farm (prorated over each reach weighted by the reach length). Caution: Fully-routed return flow directly from a farm to a series of reaches of any type of stream segment can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File and (2) if at least one reach of a non-diversion segment is located within the farm. Also, it occurs if the segment and reach of farm in the SRD input file are set to 0.
P = The IRRFL flag setting defined for the parent model will be applied. Fully routed surface-water runoff return flow within a child model are subject to SFR being specified in the child model Name File and the existence of a respective segment (return flow to non-diversion segment for IRRFL=1; return flow to any type of segment for IRDFL=-1).

Surface-water allotment flag

(IALLOTSW > 1 not yet tested for parent model farm (IGRID=1) and child model farm (IGRID>1) straddling the parent/child model boundary and with equal farm ID):

0–No surface-water allotment specified,

1–Equally appropriated surface-water allotment height [L] specified per stress period (specification of diversions from a river into diversion segments in SFR input file required if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1). (See Data Set 38.)

2–Prior appropriation system with Water Rights Calls [L3/T] (diversion rates from a river into diversion segments are simulated based on estimate of TFDR if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1; specification of a farm-specific water rights calls list required for each stress period). (See Data Set 39.)

3–Prior appropriation system without Water Rights Calls [L3/T] (diversion rates from a river into diversion segments are simulated if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1).

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) and child model farm(s) (IGRID>1) and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = use parent model equal appropriation allotment heights and bypass reading ALLOTSW per stress period. For child IALLOTSW=P and parent IALLOTSW=1, no additional data are required for the child model.

Allotment rates for the residual parent farm and the child farms are calculated on the basis of each area. Each child farm allotment rate is then added to the residual parent farm allotment rate. This joint allotment rate is then used to constrain the available streamflow in head-gate, from which water is diverted that accounts for the residual demands of the parent and child farms.

User specified closure criterion for simulated diversions into diversion segments if prior appropriation is chosen [L3/T] (only to specify if IALLOTSW> 1)

Mandatory Print Flags

For ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, that is, for more than one model grid, several farm-ID related budget lists required the addition of a “GRID” number after the “TIME[UNIT]” column. As a new standard, the introduction of this column is not backwards compatible to FMP3, so if LGR is not active and there is only one parent grid, the GRID column will simple show “1.”

So far, this was implemented for IFWLCB=1, IFWLCB>1 (if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control), ISDPFL≥1, and IFBPFL≥1. That is, for any time step, budgets for each model are listed in sequence of the GRID number.

Farm well budget print flags

< 0 A list (farm-well ID, farm ID, layer, row, column, farm-well flow rate) is printed to list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not (using numeric codes)
= 0 farm-well flow rates not written
= 1 A list (farm-well ID, farm ID, layer, row, column, farm-well flow rate) is saved on ASCII file “FWELLS.OUT” for all time steps
> 1

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm-well flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list (node, farm-well flow rate) will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

Farm net recharge budget print flags

< 0 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates is printed to list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)
= 0 farm net recharge flow rates not written
= 1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates is saved on ASCII file “FNRCH_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps
= 2 A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as ASCII file “FNRCH_LIST.OUT”
= 3 A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as binary file “FNRCH_LIST_BIN.OUT” for all time steps
> 3

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list (farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

if number of model layers = 1:

A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if number of model layers > 1:

A 2D integer-array of each cells uppermost active layer, and a 2D real-array of each cell’s farm net recharge flow rate will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

Farm supply and demand print flags

= –3 A list (A) of current demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file at each iteration, and a list (B) of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step:



= –2 A list of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step:


= –1 A list of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes):


= 0 farm demand and supply flow rates not written
= 1 A list of initial demand and supply flow rates and of final demand & supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved on ASCII file “FDS.OUT” for all time steps:


> 1

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list of initial demand & supply flow rates and of final demand and supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for all time steps

List: list attributes are equal to ISDPFL = 1

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list of initial demand & supply flow rates and of final demand & supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)

List: list attributes are equal to ISDPFL = 1

Farm budget print flags

= 0 Farm budget flow rates not written
= 1 A compact list of Farm Budget components (flow rates [L3/T] and cumulative volumes [L3] into and out of a farm) is saved on ASCII file “FB_COMPACT.OUT” for all time steps:


Q-p-in, Q-sw-in, Q-gw-in, Q-ext-in, Q-tot-in,

Q-et-out, Q-ineff-out, Q-sw-out, Q-gw-out, Q-tot-out, Q-in-out, Q-discrepancy[%],

V-p-in, V-sw-in, V-gw-in, V-ext-in, V-tot-in,

V-et-out, V-ineff-out, V-sw-out, V-gw-out, V-tot-out, V-in-out, V-discrepancy[%])

= 2 A compact list of Farm Budget components (flow rates [L3/T] and cumulative volumes [L3] into and out of a farm) is saved on ASCII file “FB_DETAILS.OUT” for all time steps:


Q-p-in, Q-nrd-in, Q-srd-in, Q-rd-in, Q-wells-in, Q-egw-in, Q-tgw-in, Q-ext-in, Q-tot-in,

Q-ep-out, Q-ei-out, Q-egw-out, Q-tp-out, Q-ti-out, Q-tgw-out, Q-run-out, Q-dp-out, Q-nrd-out, Q-srd-out, Q-rd-out, Q-wells-out, Q-tot-out, Q-in-out, Q-discrepancy[%],

V-p-in, V-nrd-in, V-srd-in, V-rd-in, V-wells-in, V-egw-in, V-tgw-in, V-ext-in, V-tot-in,

V-ep-out, V-ei-out, V-egw-out, V-tp-out, V-ti-out, V-tgw-out, V-run-out, V-dp-out, V-nrd-out, V-srd-out, V-rd-out, V-wells-out, V-tot-out, V-in-out, V-discrepancy[%])

> 2

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list of farm budget flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for all time steps

List: list attributes are equal to IFBPFL =1 if unit number >2 is odd or equal to IFBPFL = 2 if unit number > 2 is even.

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list of farm budget flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)

List: list attributes are equal to IFBPFL = 1 if unit number >2 is odd or equal to IFBPFL = 2 if unit number > 2 is even.

Farm Total Evapotranspiration print flags

0 = No ET is written out to list or external files.

1 = A cell-by-cell 2D-array of Evaporation and Transpiration as one SUMMED array is saved on ASCII file “ET_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps.

2 = A cell-by-cell 2D-array of Evaporation and Transpiration as SEPARATE arrays are saved on ASCII file “ET_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps.

3 = A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, EVAP, TRAN, and EVAP+TRAN will be saved as ASCII file ‘ET_LIST.OUT.’

4 = Does both IETPFL= 2 and 3 and writes to ET_ARRAY.OUT and ET_LIST.OUT, respectively.

–1= Same as 1, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

–2= Same as 2, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

–3= Same as 3, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

Optional Print Flags

Optional routing information print flag if the SFR Package is specified in the Name file. If the model is as child model, IRTPFL is required if the SFR Package is specified in the Name file of either the parent or child model.

Information regarding the routing of farm deliveries and farm runoff return flows will be written either to the listing file or to a separate ASCII file, called ROUT.OUT.

The information regarding deliveries tells whether the farm can potentially receive either:

(a) fully-routed deliveries from the first, most upstream located reach of a sequence of automatically detected delivery-segment reaches within a farm, or whether

(b) the farm can potentially receive semi-routed deliveries from specified stream reaches.

The information regarding return flows tells whether potential runoff from the farm is returned either

(a) full-routed to automatically detected return flow-segment reaches within a farm, over which the runoff return flow is prorated, weighted by the length of each reach, or

(b) semi-routed to specified stream reaches, or in lack of this first two options,

(c) semi-routed to automatically detected return flow-segment reach nearest to the lowest elevation of a farm.

= –2 Routing information written to the listing file for the first stress period only.
= –1 Routing information written to the listing file for every stress period.
= 0 Routing information not written.
= 1 Routing information written to ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for every stress period.
= 2 Routing information written to ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for the first stress period only.

Options IRTPFL = –2 or 2 may be chosen if the geometry and the diversion rules specified in the SFR Package do not change from stress period to stress period.

For ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, that is, for more than one model grid, the routing information is written in sequence of the GRID number to the same ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for IRTPFL>0.

Optional print settings if Acreage-Optimization is chosen (if IDEFFL > 0)

= –4 A tableaux matrix will be printed to the list file for iterations, during which optimization occurs.
= –3 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints and a list of fractions of optimized cell areas will be printed to the list file for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization:




Crop ID,





–2 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints will be printed to the list file for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization
= –1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of fractions of active cell acreage will be printed to the list file for all time steps.
= 0 No original & optimized flow rates, and no optimized cell areas are written.
= 1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of fractions of active cell acreage is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for all time steps.
= 2 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints are saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization.
= 3 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints and a list of fractions of optimized cell areas is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization:




Crop ID,





= –4 A tableaux matrix is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for iterations, during which optimization occurs.

Optional print settings if Prior Appropriation is chosen (if IALLOTSW > 1)

= –1 A budget at the point of diversions from the river into diversion segments and a budget at the point of a farm-diversion from the diversion segment will be printed to the list file for all iterations.
= 1 A budget at the point of diversions from the river into diversion segments and a budget at the point of a farm-diversion from the diversion segment will be saved on ASCII file “PRIOR.OUT” for all iterations.

Flags for Auxiliary Variables

Indicates that no optional flags for auxiliary variables are specified. NOAUX is only required if Flag Blocks are used. If flags are read in Item 2b from a single line (as before in FMP1), then no entry is required if no optional flags for auxiliary variables are specified.

AUX “abc” Defines an auxiliary variable, “abc”, which will be read for each farm-well as part of Items 4 and 23. Up to five auxiliary attributes “abc” can optionally be specified, each of which must be preceded by “AUX.” These values will be read after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of Item 4 or Item 23, respectively.

AUX QMAXRESET The specification of the optional flag “AUX QMAXRESET” for {option} in Item 2 will prompt FMP to reset QMAX as simulated by the MNW Package to the default QMAX as defined by FMP at the beginning of each time step. The optional flag “AUX QMAXRESET” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Items 4 or 23, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g., AUX NOCIRNOQ). If a “1” is read, then the MNW-simulated QMAX is reset to the default QMAX in the first iteration of each time step.

AUX NOCIRNOQ The specification of the optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” for {option} in Item 2 will prompt FMP to limit the distribution of farm pumpage to farm wells, whose row and column coincides with a top layer cell with a current irrigation requirement from active crops. “NOCIRNOQ” stands for “no crop irrigation requirement (CIR), no pumping (Q).” The optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Item 4 or 23, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g. AUX QMAXRESET). The auxiliary variable for “AUX NOCIRNOQ” is defined to be a binary parameter that tells which wells are selected for the NOCIRNOQ option. If a “1” is read, then the respective well is selected for setting its maximum capacity to zero if, during a particular time step, no crop irrigation requirement of the top layer cell exists. At each new time step the maximum capacity of such a select well will be reset to the default value.

Identifies a child model grid with respect to a parent model for FMP transfer of properties.

Flags for Options

NOOPT Indicates that no Options are specified. NOOPT is only required if Flag Blocks are used. If flags are read in Item 2b from a single line (as before in FMP1), then no entry is required if no Options are specified.

CBC Indicates that memory should be allocated to store cell-by-cell flow for each well to make these flows available for use in other process.

NOPRINT Indicates that a list of specified farm well attributes will not be printed to the list file.

WELLFIELD Allows a series of irrigated farms to receive their cumulative irrigation demand as simulated non-routed deliveries from well fields simulated as virtual farms. A virtual well-field farm with one or several wells (well fields) receives a cumulative pumping requirement equal to the cumulative irrigation delivery requirement of irrigated farms that are supplied by the well field. If the cumulative demand exceeds the cumulative maximum pumping capacity of the well field, then other well field can supply the residual demand. The cumulative pumpage of the well field that is equal or less than the desired demand will then be re-distributed to the farms supplied by the well field weighted by the total delivery requirement (or residual delivery requirement for lower priority well fields) of the receiving farms. FMP3 then applies this re-distributed rate as non-routed deliveries to the respective farms.

For farms that receive water from a particular well field, in Item 36, the non-routed delivery volume may be set to a dummy zero, as the non-routed delivery is simulated by the well-field option. The rank of the non-routed delivery, NRDR, must consistently be equal to the priority of the well-field. The NRDU flag has to be set to “minus the Farm ID of the virtual farm that contains the well field” for the farms receiving water from the respective well field. For the virtual well-field farm itself, the NRDU flag has to be set to one.

For first priority well field and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVt1(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRt1(NFARMS) = 1 (Type 1 must be of rank 1 for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUt1(FIDrec-wf-1) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUt1(FIDwf-1) = 1

NRDUt1(FIDother) = 0

For second priority well field and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVt2(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRt2(NFARMS) = 2 (Type 2 must be of rank 2 for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUt2(FIDrec-wf-2) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUt2(FIDwf-2) = 1

NRDUt2(FIDother) = 0

For a well field of priority n and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVtn(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRtn(NFARMS) = n (Type n must be of rank n for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUtn(FIDrec-wf-n) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUtn(FIDwf-n) = 1

NRDUtn(FIDother) = 0

NRDV, NRDR, NRDU definitions see “Non-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries” below

FIDrec-wf-n = Farm-ID of a farm receiving water from well-field n;

FIDwf-n = Farm-ID of a virtual well-field farm n.

The non-routed delivery type that originates from the lowest priority well field cannot be higher than the maximum number of non-routed delivery types, MXNRDT.

RECOMP_Q_BD Re-computation of the Farm Process FM-routine is invoked at the end each time step loop.

MNWCLOSE Head- and residual-closure criteria of the MODFLOW solver Package will be adjusted to allow convergence of the FMP pumping requirement to pumping simulated by the linked MNW1 or MNW2 packages.

Variables for MNW

Criterion for actual MNW pumping rate to converge to FMP pumping requirement (real number)

Fraction of reduction of head-change closure criterion if QCLOSE was not met [ ].

Fraction of reduction of residual-change closure criterion if QCLOSE was not met [ ].

QCLOSE, HPCT, and RPCT are optional and are only read if the MNWCLOSE option is specified.



read flags by blocks if word “FLAG_BLOCKS” is specified in Item 2a Each block is read on a separate line


Parameter Dimensions

Maximum number of active farm wells including parameter and nonparameter farm wells. Nonparameter farm wells are wells, whose maximum capacity is different for each stress period. In this case, each well-list (layer, location, farm-well farm ID, maximum capacity) would have to be read for each stress period. However, since the maximum capacity in most cases is thought to be constant for the entire simulation, usually the maximum number of nonparameter farm wells will be zero, that is, MXL = MXACTFW.

Flag indicating the automatic use of parent nonparameter farm-well list entries for the child model (if ILGR>0 and for child model grids where IGRID>1) (only character “P” or blank possible).

If MXACTFWP is set to P after MXACTFW, then the maximum number of parent model nonparameter farm-well list entries may be used as child model nonparameter farm wells in well locations where the child model farm ID coincides with the parent model farm ID. If MXACTFWP =P, then the maximum number of parent model nonparameter farm-well list entries specified for the parent model (MXACTFW of parent model) is added to the maximum of nonparameter wells list entries specified in the child model, MXACTFW, to allocate space for nonparameter farm-wells list entries specified in the child model AND pulled from the parent model. If only the use of parent model nonparameter wells for a child model is desired, and no child model specific nonparameter farm wells exist, MXACTFW still needs to be specified as zero. If only the use of child model nonparameter wells is desired, and no parent model nonparameter farm wells are to be pulled from the parent model, then MXACTFWP is omitted.

Maximum number of water-balance subregions (farms) specified during the entire simulation.

Number of crop types.

Number of soil types.

For child model NFARMS, NCROPS, NSOILS

Attributing parent-model list entries to farm IDs, crop IDs, or soil IDs present in the child model domain can be enabled by setting IFID, ICID, and ISID in items 5, 7, 8, and 28 to “P.” If such a derivation of farm, crop-type, or soil-type specific attributes from the parent model is desired, then maximum number of farms, crop types, and soil types in the child model must be equal to the dimension specified in the parent model.



Variable Farm ID flag (1, 2, P possible)

1 = Farms (IFID(IC, IR)) specified for the entire simulation. (Data Set 6)

2 = Farms (IFID(IC, IR)) specified for each stress period. (Data Set 26)

P = Farms in child model are specified the same way as in the parent model.

Root depth flag (1,2,3, "P" possible)

1 = Root depth specified for the entire simulation. (Data Set 11)

2 = Root depth specified for each stress period. (Data Set 29)

3 = Root depth calculated as average for each time step from daily time series of root depth calculated from climate-data (Tmin, Tmax) read as time series for the entire simulation in Item 16 and a list of crop specific coefficients (coefficients for growing degree day calculation, polynomial coefficients, coefficients for root depth calculation) (Schmid and others, p. 47f) read for the entire simulation in Item 15.

P = Root depths specified or calculated for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IRTFL entry) are automatically used for crop IDs present in the child model. No additional crop-specific root depth list entries (for parent IRTFL=1, 2, 3) or climate data time series (for parent IRTFL=3) are necessary.

Consumptive-use flag (-1, 1, 2, 3, “P” possible)

3 = FMP3 calculates a daily potential crop evapotranspiration flux (ETc-pot) by multiplying a daily reference evapotranspiration flux (ETref) read as time series for the entire simulation in Item 16 with a daily crop coefficient Kc derived from parameters read for the entire simulation as Item 15 (ETc-pot = Kc*ETref). FMP3 multiplies a daily ETc-pot averaged over each time step by the area of each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each time step. FMP3 multiplies the daily ETref flux averaged over each time step by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each time step. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
2 = A list of crop specific fluxes of potential crop evapotranspiration (ETc-pot) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, ETc-pot flux) for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies this ETc-pot flux by the area of the each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3’s fallow-cell option (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) cannot be used because no ETref flux is read if ICUFL = 2.
1 = A list of crop specific fluxes of potential crop evapotranspiration (ETc-pot) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, ETc-pot flux) for every stress period and a constant or 2D real array reference evapotranspiration ETref (NCOL,NROW) is read as Item 30b for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETc-pot flux by the area of the cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETref flux by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each stress period. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
-1 = A list of crop specific crop coefficients (Kc) is read as Item 30a (Crop-ID, Kc) for every stress period and a constant or 2D real array of reference evapotranspiration ETref (NCOL,NROW) is read as Item 30b for every stress period. FMP3 multiplies the Kc by the ETref flux and by the area of each cropped cell (ICID(IC,IR) > 0) to yield a cell-by-cell ETc-pot flow rate for each stress period. FMP3 multiplies the ETref flux by the area of each fallow cell (ICID(IC,IR) = –1) to yield a cell-by-cell ETref flow rate for each stress period. The ETref is assumed to be 100% evaporative for fallow cells where no transpiration exists.
P = Potential crop-evapotranspiration flux (ETc-pot) or crop coefficients (Kc) specified or calculated for parent model (as defined by the parent model’s ICUFL entry) are automatically used for crop IDs present in child model. No additional crop-specific ETc-pot list entries (for parent ICUFL=1,2), Kc, list entries (for parent ICUFL=-1), reference ET arrays (for parent ICUFL=-1,1), or crop-specific growing degree coefficients and climate data time series (for parent ICUFL=3) are necessary. For parent ICUFL=–1,1, the child-model reference evapotranspiration at the child-model grid resolution is automatically derived from the parent-model reference evapotranspiration by bilinear interpolation.

Precipitation flag (2, 3, “P” possible)

2 = Precipitation flux specified for the each stress period (Data Set 33)
3 = Precipitation flux calculated as average for each time step from daily time series of precipitation flux specified in climate-data time series read in Item 16 for the entire simulation.
P = Precipitation flux specified or calculated for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IPFL entry) is automatically used for the child model. No additional precipitation-flux array (for parent IPFL=2) or time-series (for parent IPFL=3) data sets are necessary. For parent IPFL=2, the child-model precipitation-flux array at the child-model grid resolution is automatically derived from the parent-model array by bilinear interpolation.

Fraction-of-transpiration-and-evaporation-of-crop-consumptive-use flag (1, 2, “P” possible)

1 = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 12).
2 = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for each stress period (Data Set 31).
P = Transpiratory and evaporative fractions of consumptive use specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IFTEFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific FTR, FEP, or FEI list entries are necessary.

Fraction-of-inefficiency-losses-to-SW-runoff flag (0, 1, 2, “P” possible)

0 = The fraction of inefficiency losses to surface-water runoff is proportional to the slope of ground surface. The slope is estimated by FMP by a third order finite difference method using all eight outer points of the 3 ×3 kernel surrounding the cell. At cells directly adjacent to the boundary or the corners of the grid domain, the slope is calculated by using a 2 × 3 or 2 × 2 kernel, respectively. There is no data input required for FIESWP and FIESWI if IIESWFL is zero.
1 = Fractions of in-efficient losses to surface-water runoff related to precipitation and irrigation specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 13).
2 = Fractions of in-efficient losses to surface-water runoff related to precipitation and irrigation specified for each stress period (Data Set 32).
P = Fraction of inefficiency losses to surface-water runoff specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IIESWFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific FIESWP or FIESWI list entries are necessary. For parent IESWFL=0, the slope of child-model cells is calculated as described above on the basis of a ground surface-elevation array either derived automatically the parent elevation by bilinear interpolation (GSURF=P) or on a child-model specific elevation array.

Efficiency Flag (1, 2, “P” possible)

1 = On-farm efficiency either as OFE(Farm-ID) per farm or as OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) per farm and per crop specified for the entire simulation (Data Set 7).

2 = On-farm efficiency either as OFE(Farm-ID) per farm or as OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) per farm and per crop specified for each stress period (Data Set 27).

P = Efficiency list entries or arrays specified for the parent model (as defined by the parent model’s IEFFL entry) are automatically used for the child model. No additional crop-specific OFE list entries are necessary.


Water Policy Flags

Efficiency Behavior Flag

For IEBFL = 0,1: Cell-by-cell efficiency does not vary with changing groundwater level, but cell-by-cell delivery may vary with changing groundwater level. However, farm efficiency may vary in response to reduced delivery during deficit irrigation (if IDEFFL = –1).

0 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell efficiency is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level. Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each stress period.
1 = Conservative Behavior – Cell -by-cell efficiency is held constant over time with respect to changing groundwater level. Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each time step.

For IEBFL = 2,3: Cell-by-cell efficiency varies with changing groundwater level, but cell-by-cell delivery does not vary with changing groundwater level. However, farm delivery may vary in response to deficit irrigation (if IDEFFL = –1).

2 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell delivery is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level (evaluation of initial total delivery requirement (TDR) per cell at first iteration of first time step of each stress period). Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each stress period.
3 = Conservative Behavior – Cell-by-cell delivery is held constant over time step with respect to changing groundwater level (evaluation of initial total delivery requirement (TDR) per cell at first iteration of each time step). Farm efficiency reset to specified efficiency at each time step.

Crop rotation flag:

< 0 Crop Type changes temporally and spatially at every stress period (CID 2D array is read for each stress period Data Set 28)
= 0 No crop rotation (CID 2D array is read for the entire simulation). (See Data Set 10.)
> 0 No crop rotation (CID 2D array is read for the entire simulation), and IROTFL = Stress period that is equal to Non-Irrigation Season. (See Data Set 10.)

Deficiency Scenario flag:

–2 = Water Stacking (See Data Set 17.)
–1= Deficit Irrigation
0 = “Zero Scenario” where no policy is applied and if demand exceeds supply, it is assumed to be supplied by other imported sources
1 = Acreage-Optimization (See Data Sets 18, 19, 34 and 35.)
2 = Acreage-Optimization with Water Conservation Pool (only if SFR is specified in Name File, if a diversion from a river segment into a diversion-segment is specified in the SFR input file, and if routed or semi-routed deliveries from such a diversion-segment into farms can occur (IRDFL = 1, -1 or ISRDFL = 1, 2). (See Data Sets 18, 19, 34 and 35.)
3 = Acreage-Optimization (a-priori) (Undocumented and incomplete.)
4 = Acreage-Optimization with Water Conservation Pool (a-priori) (Undocumented and incomplete.)

Crop-Benefits Flag (only to specify if IDEFFL > 0):

1 = crop benefits list read for the entire simulation  (See Data Set 18.)
2 = crop benefits list read for each stress period (See Data Set 34.)

Water-Cost Coefficients Flag (only to specify if IDEFFL > 0):

0 = lumped water cost coefficients for the entire simulation. This option is never allowed.
1 = water cost coefficients for each farm for the entire simulation (See Data Set 19.)
2 = water cost coefficients for each farm for each stress period (See Data Set 35.)

Variable Groundwater Allotment flag (0, 1, 2, P possible).

0 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) are not specified, and the maximum capacity of each farm to deliver potential groundwater supply is limited by the total pumping capacity of all farm wells that are related to each water-balance subregion (farm).

1 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) specified for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 20.)

2 = Groundwater Allotments (ALLOTGW(NF)) specified for each stress period. (See Data Set 25.)

P = use parent-model groundwater allotments and bypass reading ALLOTGW per simulation or stress period. For child IALLOTGW=P and parent IALLOTGW=1, no additional data are required for the child model.


Crop Consumptive-Use Flag

Concept used for the approximation of ET-fluxes with changing head:

1 for consumptive use Concept 1 = plant-and soil-specific pseudo steady state transpiration approximated by analytical solution: A restriction of active root zone corresponding to anoxia- or wilting-related pressure heads is determined by FMP by using analytical solutions of a vertical pseudo steady state pressure head distribution over the depth of the total root zone. (FMP3 not linked to UZF1). (See data sets 9 and 14.)
2 for consumptive use Concept 2 = nonplant- and nonsoil-specific simplification of Concept 1. (FMP3 not linked to UZF1).
3 for consumptive use Concept 1 = plant-and soil-specific pseudo steady state transpiration approximated by analytical solution: A restriction of active root zone corresponding to anoxia- or wilting-related pressure heads is determined by FMP by using analytical solutions of a vertical pseudo steady state pressure head distribution over the depth of the total root zone. (FMP3 linked to UZF1: FMP3 farm identification arrays linked to coinciding UZF1 infiltration arrays). (See data sets 9 and 14.)
4 for consumptive use Concept 2 = nonplant- and nonsoil-specific simplification of Concept 1. (FMP3 linked to UZF1: FMP3 farm identification arrays linked to coinciding UZF1 infiltration arrays).
P = Consumptive use Concept specified in parent model is used for child model. For child ICCFL=P and parent ICCFL=1, no additional data are required for crop-specific PSI list entries for the child model.


Surface-Water Flags

Non-Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag: (0, 1, “P” possible) :

0 = no Non-Routed Surface-Water Delivery (NRD) exists.
1 = NRDs exist. A farm related list of Volumes, Ranks, and Use-Flags of NRD will be read. (Data Set 36)
P = A farm related list of Volumes, Ranks, and Use-Flags of NRDs for the parent model (as specified by the initial parent model’s INRDFL entry) is automatically used for the child model. No additional list entries for the child model are necessary. INRDFL=P allows the scaling of ranked NRDs to parent or child model farm by the ratio between the residual parent or child farm demand and the joint residual parent plus child demand. For IGRID=1, the ranked NRDs to the residual parent model farm are scaled by the ratio (residual parent farm demand/joint residual parent+child farm demand). For IGRID>1, the ranked NRDs to the child model farm are scaled by the ratio (child farm demand/joint residual parent+child farm demand) and adopt NRD-Ranks and NRD-Use flag setting from the parent model NRD data input.

(Limitation: not allowed for WELLFIELD option).

Maximum number of non-routed delivery types (read if INRDFL = 1, if ILRG=0, or if ILGR>0, and for parent model grids where IGRID=1, or if ILGR>0, and for child model grids where IGRID>1 and INRDFL=1). MXNRDT is omitted if ILGR>0 and for child model grids where IGRID>1 and INRDFL=P. In this case, memory for NRD related attributes is allocated by twice the number of parent-MXNRDT to save old RNDRs for each type before scaling it down as a result of prorating for parent and child farm NRDs. (See Data Set 33)

Semi-Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag:

0 = no Semi-Routed Surface-Water Delivery exists
1 or 2 = Semi-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries exist. (Routing surface-water along a river or major canal, and allocating non-routed deliveries from a point of diversion). A farm related list of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for a point of diversion will be read (only if SFR or SWR1 is specified in Name File). An additional flag for each.
1 = List of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for SFR is read for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 21a.)
2 = List of Row- and Column-coordinates or segment and reach numbers for SFR is read for each stress period. (See Data Set 37a.)

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) with a head-gate (SFR in Name File), for a child model farm without any stream network (IGRID>1; SFR not in Name File), and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = A point of diversion along the stream network defined for the parent model by row and column coordinates or segment and reach number (as defined by the parent model’s ISRDFL settting) is also used to receive the residual demand of child model farm in addition to the residual demand of parent model farm. No additional farm-specific SRD list entries are required for the child model.

The child model farm without a head-gate reach does not have any actual farm delivery from surface water from an own source, but may receive deliveries from the parent farm head gate subject to availability. Parent and child farms may either receive actual surface-water deliveries in full or at a reduced rate depending on whether their cumulative demand is less or more than the available supply:

If the sum of residual demands of parent and child model farms exceeds any supply constraints, such as the available streamflow or surface-water allotment in the parent model head-gate reach, then
the entire constraint will be diverted from the streamflow available at the parent farm’s head-gate reach, and
the residual delivery requirement of both farms will be reduced to the respective constraint. This is accomplished by scaling the delivery requirement of the residual parent or child farm farm by the ratio [constraint/(parent farm demand + sum of demands of all child model farms)]. The reduced demand will be passed on to the farm budget.
If the sum of residual demands of parent and child model farms does not exceed any supply constraints, then
the child farm demand, in addition to parent farm demand, is diverted from the streamflow available at the parent farm’s head-gate reach, and
the residual delivery requirement of both farms will by supplied in full and passed on to the farm budget.

Routed Surface-Water Delivery Flag (0, 1, –1, “P” possible):

0 = no surface-water delivery exists.
1 = fully-routed surface-water delivery may occur from the uppermost reach of a series of diversion-segment reaches located within a farm. Caution: Streamflow fully-routed through a conveyance network directly to a farm can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File, (2) if at least one reach of a diversion segment is located within the farms, and (3) if streamflow is available.
–1 = fully-routed surface-water delivery may occur from the uppermost reach of a series of reaches of any type of stream segment located within a farm. Caution: Streamflow fully-routed through a conveyance network directly to a farm can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File, (2) if at least one reach of a any type of segment is located within the farms, and (3) if streamflow is available.
P = The IRDFL flag setting defined for the parent model will be applied. Fully routed surface-water delivieries within a child model are subject to SFR being specified in the child model Name File and the existence of a respective segment (diversion segment for IRDFL=1; any type of segment for IRDFL=-1).

Semi-Routed Surface-Water Runoff Return Flow Flag (0, 1, 2, “P” possible):

0 = No locations along the stream network are specified for any farm, where semi-routed runoff return flow is recharged into the stream network. Runoff is either automatically prorated over non-diversion-segment reaches located within a farm, or automatically recharged into one non-diversion-segment reach nearest to the lowest elevation of the farm.
1 or 2 = For each farm, a location is specified anywhere along the stream network, where semi-routed runoff return flow is recharged anywhere in the active model domain. A farm-related list of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers for a point of runoff return flow recharge will be read (only if SFR is specified in Name File).
1 = List of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers and target of Semi-routed Delivery to SFR or indirectly to SWR through an SFR segment is read for the entire simulation. (See Data Set 21b.)
2 = List of row and column coordinates or segment and reach numbers and target of Semi-routed Delivery to SFR or indirectly to SWR through an SFR segment is read for each stress period. (See Data Set 37b.)

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) with a head-gate (SFR in Name File), for a child model farm without any stream network (IGRID>1; SFR not in Name File), and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = A point of return flow recharge along the stream network for the parent model by row and column coordinates or segment and reach number (as defined by the parent model’s ISRRFL setting) is also used to receive the cumulative runoff return flow of the child model farm in addition the return flow of the parent-model farm. If the parent ISRRFL ≥ 1 and zero coordinates are specified for the return flow location of a parent farm, then the return flow from the child model is added to “automatic fully routed runoff return flow” prorated over drain segments found within the parent model farm or to “automatic semi-routed runoff return flow” discharged into a reach remote from the parent farm, but nearest to the lowest elevation of the parent farm. No additional farm-specific SRR list entries are required for the child model.

The absence of a SFR network within the child model domain does not allow the child farm to return runoff to any specified our automatically detected reaches. However, the child farm may return runoff to the parent farm’s return flow reaches, which may be specified or automatically detected as reaches within the farm domain or as a remote reach nearest to the lowest elevation of the parent farm.

Routed Surface-Water Runoff Return Flow Flag (0, 1, –1, “P” possible):

0 = no surface-water runoff return flow possible (no SFR specified in Name File).
1 = surface-water runoff may be returned as fully-routed return flow to a series of non-diversion-segment reaches located within a farm (prorated over each reach weighted by the reach length). Caution: Fully-routed return flow directly from a farm to a series of non-diversion-segment reaches can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File and (2) if at least one reach of a non-diversion segment is located within the farm. Also, it occurs if segment and reach of farm in the SRD input file are set to 0.
–1 = fully surface-water runoff may be returned as fully-routed return flow to a series of reaches of any segment of stream type located within a farm (prorated over each reach weighted by the reach length). Caution: Fully-routed return flow directly from a farm to a series of reaches of any type of stream segment can only occur (1) if SFR is specified in Name File and (2) if at least one reach of a non-diversion segment is located within the farm. Also, it occurs if the segment and reach of farm in the SRD input file are set to 0.
P = The IRRFL flag setting defined for the parent model will be applied. Fully routed surface-water runoff return flow within a child model are subject to SFR being specified in the child model Name File and the existence of a respective segment (return flow to non-diversion segment for IRRFL=1; return flow to any type of segment for IRDFL=-1).

Surface-water allotment flag

(IALLOTSW > 1 not yet tested for parent model farm (IGRID=1) and child model farm (IGRID>1) straddling the parent/child model boundary and with equal farm ID):

0–No surface-water allotment specified,

1–Equally appropriated surface-water allotment height [L] specified per stress period (specification of diversions from a river into diversion segments in SFR input file required if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1). (See Data Set 38.)

2–Prior appropriation system with Water Rights Calls [L3/T] (diversion rates from a river into diversion segments are simulated based on estimate of TFDR if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1; specification of a farm-specific water rights calls list required for each stress period). (See Data Set 39.)

3–Prior appropriation system without Water Rights Calls [L3/T] (diversion rates from a river into diversion segments are simulated if ISRDFL = 1 or 2, or IRDFL = 1).

For a parent model farm (IGRID=1) and child model farm(s) (IGRID>1) and where a residual parent farm and child farm have equal farm ID:

P = use parent model equal appropriation allotment heights and bypass reading ALLOTSW per stress period. For child IALLOTSW=P and parent IALLOTSW=1, no additional data are required for the child model.

Allotment rates for the residual parent farm and the child farms are calculated on the basis of each area. Each child farm allotment rate is then added to the residual parent farm allotment rate. This joint allotment rate is then used to constrain the available streamflow in head-gate, from which water is diverted that accounts for the residual demands of the parent and child farms.

User specified closure criterion for simulated diversions into diversion segments if prior appropriation is chosen [L3/T] (only to specify if IALLOTSW> 1)


Mandatory Print Flags

For ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, that is, for more than one model grid, several farm-ID related budget lists required the addition of a “GRID” number after the “TIME[UNIT]” column. As a new standard, the introduction of this column is not backwards compatible to FMP3, so if LGR is not active and there is only one parent grid, the GRID column will simple show “1.”

So far, this was implemented for IFWLCB=1, IFWLCB>1 (if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control), ISDPFL≥1, and IFBPFL≥1. That is, for any time step, budgets for each model are listed in sequence of the GRID number.

Farm well budget print flags

< 0 A list (farm-well ID, farm ID, layer, row, column, farm-well flow rate) is printed to list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not (using numeric codes)
= 0 farm-well flow rates not written
= 1 A list (farm-well ID, farm ID, layer, row, column, farm-well flow rate) is saved on ASCII file “FWELLS.OUT” for all time steps
> 1

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm-well flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list (node, farm-well flow rate) will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

Farm net recharge budget print flags

< 0 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates is printed to list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)
= 0 farm net recharge flow rates not written
= 1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates is saved on ASCII file “FNRCH_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps
= 2 A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as ASCII file “FNRCH_LIST.OUT”
= 3 A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as binary file “FNRCH_LIST_BIN.OUT” for all time steps
> 3

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list (farm ID, cumulative farm net recharge flow rates) will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

if number of model layers = 1:

A cell-by-cell 2D-array of farm net recharge flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

if number of model layers > 1:

A 2D integer-array of each cells uppermost active layer, and a 2D real-array of each cell’s farm net recharge flow rate will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes).

Farm supply and demand print flags

= –3 A list (A) of current demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file at each iteration, and a list (B) of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step:



= –2 A list of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for each time step:


= –1 A list of final demand and supply flow rates will be printed to the list file for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes):


= 0 farm demand and supply flow rates not written
= 1 A list of initial demand and supply flow rates and of final demand & supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved on ASCII file “FDS.OUT” for all time steps:


> 1

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list of initial demand & supply flow rates and of final demand and supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for all time steps

List: list attributes are equal to ISDPFL = 1

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list of initial demand & supply flow rates and of final demand & supply flow rates after the application of a deficiency scenario will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)

List: list attributes are equal to ISDPFL = 1

Farm budget print flags

= 0 Farm budget flow rates not written
= 1 A compact list of Farm Budget components (flow rates [L3/T] and cumulative volumes [L3] into and out of a farm) is saved on ASCII file “FB_COMPACT.OUT” for all time steps:


Q-p-in, Q-sw-in, Q-gw-in, Q-ext-in, Q-tot-in,

Q-et-out, Q-ineff-out, Q-sw-out, Q-gw-out, Q-tot-out, Q-in-out, Q-discrepancy[%],

V-p-in, V-sw-in, V-gw-in, V-ext-in, V-tot-in,

V-et-out, V-ineff-out, V-sw-out, V-gw-out, V-tot-out, V-in-out, V-discrepancy[%])

= 2 A compact list of Farm Budget components (flow rates [L3/T] and cumulative volumes [L3] into and out of a farm) is saved on ASCII file “FB_DETAILS.OUT” for all time steps:


Q-p-in, Q-nrd-in, Q-srd-in, Q-rd-in, Q-wells-in, Q-egw-in, Q-tgw-in, Q-ext-in, Q-tot-in,

Q-ep-out, Q-ei-out, Q-egw-out, Q-tp-out, Q-ti-out, Q-tgw-out, Q-run-out, Q-dp-out, Q-nrd-out, Q-srd-out, Q-rd-out, Q-wells-out, Q-tot-out, Q-in-out, Q-discrepancy[%],

V-p-in, V-nrd-in, V-srd-in, V-rd-in, V-wells-in, V-egw-in, V-tgw-in, V-ext-in, V-tot-in,

V-ep-out, V-ei-out, V-egw-out, V-tp-out, V-ti-out, V-tgw-out, V-run-out, V-dp-out, V-nrd-out, V-srd-out, V-rd-out, V-wells-out, V-tot-out, V-in-out, V-discrepancy[%])

> 2

if “Compact Budget” is not specified in Output Control:

A list of farm budget flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for all time steps

List: list attributes are equal to IFBPFL =1 if unit number >2 is odd or equal to IFBPFL = 2 if unit number > 2 is even.

if “Compact Budget” is specified in Output Control:

A list of farm budget flow rates will be saved as binary file on a unit number specified in the Name File for time steps, for which in Output Control “Save Budget” is specified (using words) or ICBCFL is not zero (using numeric codes)

List: list attributes are equal to IFBPFL = 1 if unit number >2 is odd or equal to IFBPFL = 2 if unit number > 2 is even.

Farm Total Evapotranspiration print flags

0 = No ET is written out to list or external files.

1 = A cell-by-cell 2D-array of Evaporation and Transpiration as one SUMMED array is saved on ASCII file “ET_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps.

2 = A cell-by-cell 2D-array of Evaporation and Transpiration as SEPARATE arrays are saved on ASCII file “ET_ARRAY.OUT” for all time steps.

3 = A list (stress period, time step, total time, farm ID, EVAP, TRAN, and EVAP+TRAN will be saved as ASCII file ‘ET_LIST.OUT.’

4 = Does both IETPFL= 2 and 3 and writes to ET_ARRAY.OUT and ET_LIST.OUT, respectively.

–1= Same as 1, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

–2= Same as 2, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

–3= Same as 3, but prints to LST file on the basis of Output Control.

Optional Print Flags

Optional routing information print flag if the SFR Package is specified in the Name file. If the model is as child model, IRTPFL is required if the SFR Package is specified in the Name file of either the parent or child model.

Information regarding the routing of farm deliveries and farm runoff return flows will be written either to the listing file or to a separate ASCII file, called ROUT.OUT.

The information regarding deliveries tells whether the farm can potentially receive either:

(a) fully-routed deliveries from the first, most upstream located reach of a sequence of automatically detected delivery-segment reaches within a farm, or whether

(b) the farm can potentially receive semi-routed deliveries from specified stream reaches.

The information regarding return flows tells whether potential runoff from the farm is returned either

(a) full-routed to automatically detected return flow-segment reaches within a farm, over which the runoff return flow is prorated, weighted by the length of each reach, or

(b) semi-routed to specified stream reaches, or in lack of this first two options,

(c) semi-routed to automatically detected return flow-segment reach nearest to the lowest elevation of a farm.

= –2 Routing information written to the listing file for the first stress period only.
= –1 Routing information written to the listing file for every stress period.
= 0 Routing information not written.
= 1 Routing information written to ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for every stress period.
= 2 Routing information written to ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for the first stress period only.

Options IRTPFL = –2 or 2 may be chosen if the geometry and the diversion rules specified in the SFR Package do not change from stress period to stress period.

For ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, that is, for more than one model grid, the routing information is written in sequence of the GRID number to the same ASCII file “ROUT.OUT” for IRTPFL>0.

Optional print settings if Acreage-Optimization is chosen (if IDEFFL > 0)

= –4 A tableaux matrix will be printed to the list file for iterations, during which optimization occurs.
= –3 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints and a list of fractions of optimized cell areas will be printed to the list file for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization:




Crop ID,





–2 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints will be printed to the list file for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization
= –1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of fractions of active cell acreage will be printed to the list file for all time steps.
= 0 No original & optimized flow rates, and no optimized cell areas are written.
= 1 A cell-by-cell 2D-array of fractions of active cell acreage is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for all time steps.
= 2 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints are saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization.
= 3 Original and optimized flow rates of resource constraints and a list of fractions of optimized cell areas is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for any farm and iteration that are subject to optimization:




Crop ID,





= –4 A tableaux matrix is saved on ASCII file “ACR_OPT.OUT” for iterations, during which optimization occurs.

Optional print settings if Prior Appropriation is chosen (if IALLOTSW > 1)

= –1 A budget at the point of diversions from the river into diversion segments and a budget at the point of a farm-diversion from the diversion segment will be printed to the list file for all iterations.
= 1 A budget at the point of diversions from the river into diversion segments and a budget at the point of a farm-diversion from the diversion segment will be saved on ASCII file “PRIOR.OUT” for all iterations.

Flags for Auxiliary Variables

Flags for Auxiliary Variables

Indicates that no optional flags for auxiliary variables are specified. NOAUX is only required if Flag Blocks are used. If flags are read in Item 2b from a single line (as before in FMP1), then no entry is required if no optional flags for auxiliary variables are specified.

AUX “abc” Defines an auxiliary variable, “abc”, which will be read for each farm-well as part of Items 4 and 23. Up to five auxiliary attributes “abc” can optionally be specified, each of which must be preceded by “AUX.” These values will be read after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of Item 4 or Item 23, respectively.

AUX QMAXRESET The specification of the optional flag “AUX QMAXRESET” for {option} in Item 2 will prompt FMP to reset QMAX as simulated by the MNW Package to the default QMAX as defined by FMP at the beginning of each time step. The optional flag “AUX QMAXRESET” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Items 4 or 23, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g., AUX NOCIRNOQ). If a “1” is read, then the MNW-simulated QMAX is reset to the default QMAX in the first iteration of each time step.

AUX NOCIRNOQ The specification of the optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” for {option} in Item 2 will prompt FMP to limit the distribution of farm pumpage to farm wells, whose row and column coincides with a top layer cell with a current irrigation requirement from active crops. “NOCIRNOQ” stands for “no crop irrigation requirement (CIR), no pumping (Q).” The optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Item 4 or 23, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g. AUX QMAXRESET). The auxiliary variable for “AUX NOCIRNOQ” is defined to be a binary parameter that tells which wells are selected for the NOCIRNOQ option. If a “1” is read, then the respective well is selected for setting its maximum capacity to zero if, during a particular time step, no crop irrigation requirement of the top layer cell exists. At each new time step the maximum capacity of such a select well will be reset to the default value.

Identifies a child model grid with respect to a parent model for FMP transfer of properties.

Flags for Options

Flags for Options

NOOPT Indicates that no Options are specified. NOOPT is only required if Flag Blocks are used. If flags are read in Item 2b from a single line (as before in FMP1), then no entry is required if no Options are specified.

CBC Indicates that memory should be allocated to store cell-by-cell flow for each well to make these flows available for use in other process.

NOPRINT Indicates that a list of specified farm well attributes will not be printed to the list file.

WELLFIELD Allows a series of irrigated farms to receive their cumulative irrigation demand as simulated non-routed deliveries from well fields simulated as virtual farms. A virtual well-field farm with one or several wells (well fields) receives a cumulative pumping requirement equal to the cumulative irrigation delivery requirement of irrigated farms that are supplied by the well field. If the cumulative demand exceeds the cumulative maximum pumping capacity of the well field, then other well field can supply the residual demand. The cumulative pumpage of the well field that is equal or less than the desired demand will then be re-distributed to the farms supplied by the well field weighted by the total delivery requirement (or residual delivery requirement for lower priority well fields) of the receiving farms. FMP3 then applies this re-distributed rate as non-routed deliveries to the respective farms.

For farms that receive water from a particular well field, in Item 36, the non-routed delivery volume may be set to a dummy zero, as the non-routed delivery is simulated by the well-field option. The rank of the non-routed delivery, NRDR, must consistently be equal to the priority of the well-field. The NRDU flag has to be set to “minus the Farm ID of the virtual farm that contains the well field” for the farms receiving water from the respective well field. For the virtual well-field farm itself, the NRDU flag has to be set to one.

For first priority well field and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVt1(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRt1(NFARMS) = 1 (Type 1 must be of rank 1 for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUt1(FIDrec-wf-1) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUt1(FIDwf-1) = 1

NRDUt1(FIDother) = 0

For second priority well field and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVt2(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRt2(NFARMS) = 2 (Type 2 must be of rank 2 for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUt2(FIDrec-wf-2) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUt2(FIDwf-2) = 1

NRDUt2(FIDother) = 0

For a well field of priority n and farms receiving water from that well field:

NRDVtn(NFARMS) = 0 (dummy zero: simulated when option WELLFIELD is set)

NRDRtn(NFARMS) = n (Type n must be of rank n for well-field farm and for receiving farms)

NRDUtn(FIDrec-wf-n) = negative value of Farm-ID of virtual well-field farm

NRDUtn(FIDwf-n) = 1

NRDUtn(FIDother) = 0

NRDV, NRDR, NRDU definitions see “Non-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries” below

FIDrec-wf-n = Farm-ID of a farm receiving water from well-field n;

FIDwf-n = Farm-ID of a virtual well-field farm n.

The non-routed delivery type that originates from the lowest priority well field cannot be higher than the maximum number of non-routed delivery types, MXNRDT.

RECOMP_Q_BD Re-computation of the Farm Process FM-routine is invoked at the end each time step loop.

MNWCLOSE Head- and residual-closure criteria of the MODFLOW solver Package will be adjusted to allow convergence of the FMP pumping requirement to pumping simulated by the linked MNW1 or MNW2 packages.


Variables for MNW

Criterion for actual MNW pumping rate to converge to FMP pumping requirement (real number)

Fraction of reduction of head-change closure criterion if QCLOSE was not met [ ].

Fraction of reduction of residual-change closure criterion if QCLOSE was not met [ ].

QCLOSE, HPCT, and RPCT are optional and are only read if the MNWCLOSE option is specified.


Repeat Items 3 combined with the indicated repetitions of Item 4 NPFWL times if NPFWL > 1.

Items 3 and 4 are not read if NPFWL is 0.

If PARNAM is to be a time-varying parameter, the keyword “INSTANCES” and a value for NUMINST must be entered.

If the user specifies the NWT solver option, the additional option for smooth reduction of farm well pumpage is available. This smoothing is identical to what NWT does to the WEL Package (Niswonger and others, 2011) and is initiated by including at the start of each Farm well input data set (Item 4 and 23) with the key word “SPECIFY” as follows:







Minimum fraction of model cell thickness before pumping reduction is initiated, same as PHIRAMP (Niswonger and others, 2011)

Minimum saturated thickness of model cell before pumping reduction is initiated.

Pumping reduction is initiated depending on whichever of these two variables is a smaller fraction of model cell thickness for each model cell containing a farm well.



Parameter name for list of parameter farm-wells (called for each stress period to activate a list of parameter wells). This name can consist of 1 to 10 characters and is not case sensitive.

All parameter names must be unique.

Parameter type (the only allowed parameter type is QMAX, which defines values of the volumetric maximum well capacity).

Parameter value (multiplier applied to parameter-wells).

Number of parameter farm-wells included in the parameter-well-list related to one parameter.

When NLST is set to “P,” up to the maximum number of parent model parameter farm-well list entries may be used as child model parameter farm wells in well locations where the child model farm ID coincides with the parent model farm ID. For child model parameter farm wells pulled from parent model parameter farm wells, the list entries printed to the list file are appended to the list entries of parameter farm wells specified for the child model under a separate parameter name.

Parent parameter farm wells are excluded from being used for a child model farm if the same child model parameter wells are specified for that child model farm.

INSTANCES Optional keyword that designates a parameter as time varying. The keyword is not case sensitive; that is, any combination of the same characters with different case can be used. If INSTANCES is present, it must be followed by a value for NUMINST. If INSTANCES is absent, PARNAM is non-time varying and NUMINST should not be present.

Number of instances for a time-varying parameter, where each instance is a list of wells and associated maximum capacities. If the keyword INSTANCES is present, it must be followed by a value for NUMINST. If INSTANCES is absent, NUMINST should not be present.

After each Item 3 for which the keyword “INSTANCES” is not entered, read Item 4b and not Item 4a.

After each Item 3 for which the keyword “INSTANCES” is entered, read Item 4a and Item 4b for each instance.

NLST repetitions of Item 4b are required; they are read byREADOP [3]. (SFAC of the utility subroutine [3] applies to QMAXfact). The NLST repetitions of Item 4b follow each repetition of Item 4a when PARNAM is time varying.


Name of an instance associated with the parameter named in the corresponding Item 3. The instance name can be 1 to 10 characters and is not case sensitive. That is, any combination of the same characters with different case will be equivalent. Instance names must be unique for a parameter, but instance names may be reused for different parameters.


[Layer Row Column Farm-Well-ID Farm-ID QMAXfact] {MNW2NAM} [abc]

If, for ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, if NLST (item 3) is equal to “P,” then no parameter or nonparameter farm-well list entries, respectively, as defined below need to be specified.

Layer number of cell containing the farm-well (for farm-wells linked to multi-layer wells defined in the Multi‑Node Well Package: Layer No. = 0)

Row number of cell containing the farm well

Column number of cell containing the farm well

Farm-well identity associated with the farm well (to establish a link of a farm-well to a well defined in the Multi-Node Well Package: use “negative” Farm-Well-ID, for example, –10)

Farm identity to which the farm-well is attributed

Maximum Well Capacity factor (QMAXfact × PARVAL = QMAX) [L3/T].

Multi-Node Well Package Version 2 Well Name that will be linked to the farm process. MNW2NAM is a character variable of maximum length 20 that is read only when MNW2 package is active and Farm-Well-ID < 0. When linked to MNW2 the the layer, row and column specified by well MNW2NAM in MNW2 will overwrite the previously defined values. See also WELLID in the MNW2 package.

Represents any auxiliary variables for a farm-well that have been defined in Item 2. The auxiliary variables must be present in each repetition of Items 4 and 22.

If the optional flag for {Option} in Item 2 is set to “AUX QMAXRESET,” then the auxiliary variable for [xyz] in column 7 of the farm wells list is defined to be a binary parameter that tells when to reset the MNW-simulated QMAX rate to the FMP-defined default QMAX rate.

0 = The MNW-simulated QMAX is reset at the beginning of each stress period.
1 = The MNW-simulated QMAX is reset at the beginning of each time step.

If the optional flag for {Option} in Item 2 is set to AUX NOCIRNOQ, FMP will limit the distribution of farm pumpage to farm wells, whose row and column coincides with a top layer cell with a current irrigation requirement from active crops. The optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Item 4 or 22, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g. AUX QMAXRESET). The auxiliary variable for “AUX NOCIRNOQ” is defined to be a binary parameter that tells which wells are selected for the NOCIRNOQ option.

If a “1” is read, then the respective well is selected for setting its maximum capacity to zero if, during a particular time step, no crop irrigation requirement of the top layer cell exists. At each new time step the maximum capacity of such a select well will be reset to the default value.

The parameter(s) in column 7 of the well list are ignored, if the option flag “AUX QMAXRESET and AUX NOCIRNOQ are not specified.



Ground-surface elevation

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, GSURF = P, then the child model’s ground surface-elevation array is derived automatically from the parent elevation by bilinear interpolation.


FID(NCOL,NROW) read with U2DINT if IFRMFL = 1

Farm identity. For every active cell, this must be a number from 1 to NFARMS.

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, IFID = P, then the child model’s farm identity array is derived automatically from the parent farm identity. In this case, farm related data lists (see below) are skipped and need not to be specified.

The farm identification numbering scheme is inversely proportional to its rank (water-right seniority).


[Farm-ID OFE] or [Farm-ID OFE(FID,CID), OFE(FID,CID), … , OFE(FID,CIDNCROPS)] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if IEFFL = 1. [All farm and crops must be specified in an array format.]

Farm identity to which the parameters below are attributed

On-farm Efficiency per farm (real number between 0 and 1; 0. ≤ OFE ≤ 1.), or
OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) On-farm Efficiency per farm and per crop (real number; 0. ≤ OFE ≤ 1.),



Soil type identity

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, SID = P, then the child model’s soil-type identity array is derived automatically from the parent soil-type identity. In this case, soil-type related data lists (see below, item 9) are skipped and need not to be specified.


Soil-ID CapFringe [A-Coeff B-Coeff C-Coeff D-Coeff E-Coeff], or Soil-ID CapFringe [Soil-Type] (parameters in brackets only if ICCFL = 1 or 3) read* NSOILS times with READOP[6]

Soil type identity to which the parameters below are attributed

Capillary Fringe [L]

The following parameters are only needed if ICCFL = 1 or 3:


Coefficients a, b, c for function DRZ = f(Tc-pot, TRZ)

Coefficients d, e for function n = f(DRZ)


Soil type in words:

3 options are available:

SANDYLOAM, SILT, and SILTYCLAY (not case-sensitive).

(For these three options, the FMP code contains intrinsic soil type specific coefficients a,b,c and d,e for the functionalities DRZ = f(Tc-pot, TRZ) and n = f(DRZ). If a soil type is entered as a word, then a,b,c,d,e are not read).

The intrinsic coefficients in the program are as follows (Schmid, 2004):

Soil type
























The parameters DRZ and n allow the fitting of a vertical pseudo steady state pressure head distribution over the total root zone:

1.The Depleted Root Zone (DRZ) is a function of the potential Transpiration and the Total Root Zone. It is defined as the lower part of the root zone at which the pressure head increases with depth from the minimum (negative) pressure head (defined as ψ4 in stress response function, see below) to zero at the bottom of the root zone.

DRZ = [exp(a x ln(TRZ x MLT) b x ln(TPOT x MLT)+ c)]

2.The Sinuosity Coefficient (n) expresses the curvature of the vertical pressure head configuration over depth, which increases with increasing DRZ.

NEXP = d x ln(DRZ)+ e

Although the intrinsic parameters a,b,c,d,e were derived based on CENTIMETER length units, multipliers in the program (MLT) can adjust the equations accordingly to length units of METER or FEET, if so chosen as LENUNI = 2 or = 1 in the Discretization file (Harbaugh and others, 2000).


[CID(NCOL,NROW)] read with U2DINT if IROTFL ≥ 0

Crop type identity

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, ICID = P, then the child model’s crop-type identity array is derived automatically from the parent crop-type identity. In this case, crop-type related data lists (see below, Items 11–15, 25–29) are skipped and need not to be specified.


[Crop-ID ROOT] read* NCROPS times with READOP[4] if IRTFL = 1

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Depth of root zone [L]. The rooting zone depth must be greater than zero.


[Crop-ID FTR FEP FEI] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IFTEFL = 1

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Transpiratory fraction of consumptive use (0 ≤ FTR ≤ 1)

Evaporative fraction of consumptive use related to precipitation (0 ≤ FEP ≤ 1)

Evaporative fraction of consumptive use related to irrigation (0 ≤ FEI < 1)


[Crop-ID FIESWP FIESWI] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IIESWFL = 1

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to precipitation (0 ≤ FIESWP ≤ 1)

Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to irrigation (0 ≤ FIESWI ≤ 1)


[Crop-ID PSI1 PSI2 PSI3 PSI4] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if ICCFL = 1 or 3

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Negative (partially saturated) or positive (saturated or submerged) value of pressure head, at which root uptake becomes zero due to anoxia or high pressure

Negative or positive values of pressure head, at which root uptake is at maximum and from which uptake decreases with rising pressure head due to anoxia [L]

Negative pressure head, at which root uptake is at maximum and from which uptake decreases with falling pressure head due to wilting [L]

Negative pressure head, at which root uptake becomes zero due to wilting [L]


[Crop-ID BaseT MinCutT MaxCutT C0 C1 C2 C3 BegRootD MaxRootD RootGC NONIRR] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IRTFL = 3, or ICUFL = 3, or IPFL = 3.

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Base temperature

Minimum cutoff temperature

Maximum cutoff temperature

Polynomial coefficients for CGDD – Kc functionality (see Chapter “General Data Requirements”)

Beginning root depth [L]

Maximum root depth [L]

Root growth coefficient

Non-irrigation flag:

0 = crop type is irrigated (zero value can be omitted)

1 = crop type is not irrigated


[TimeSeriesStep MaxT MinT Precip ETref] read* LENSIM times with READOP[5] if IRTFL = 3, or ICUFL = 3, or IPFL = 3 (LENSIM = length of simulation expressed as total number of time-series steps; length of time-series step defined by ITMUNI in the Discretization File)

Time-step in climate time series. The length of a time series time step must consistently be equal to the MODFLOW time unit chosen in the Discretization File (ITMUNI).

For ICUFL = 3 or IRTFL = 3, the MODFLOW time unit must be days (ITMUNI = 4). For IPFL = 3 (while ICUFL ≠ 3, and IRTFL ≠ 3), all MODFLOW time units are possible (seconds, minutes, hours, days, years; ITMUNI = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). However, ITMUNI = 1 or 2 for units of seconds or minutes should be avoided for very long periods of simulation due to the possibility of insufficient computer memory.

Maximum temperature

Minimum temperature

Precipitation flux [L/T]

Reference Evapotranspiration flux [L/T]


[Crop-ID IFALLOW] read* NCROPS times with READOP[7] if IDEFFL = -2

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.


1 = Crop type fallowed

0 = Crop type not fallowed (for example, pecan trees)


[Crop-ID WPF-Slope WPF-Int Crop-Price] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IDEFFL > 0 and if IBEN = 1

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Slope of crop-specific water-production function (yield vs. ETc-act)

Intercept of crop-specific water-production function (yield vs. ETc-act) (can be zero).

Market-price per crop [value/weight]


[Farm-ID GWcost1 GWcost2 GWcost3 GWcost4 SWcost1 SWcost2 SWcost3 SWcost4] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if IDEFFL > 0 and ICOST = 1

Farm identity to which the cost coefficients below are attributed.

Groundwater Base Maintenance Costs per unit volume [$/L3]

Groundwater Costs for Pumping in Well per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Groundwater Costs for Vertical Lift from Well to Cell per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Groundwater Delivery Costs per unit volume, per unit distance [$/(L3 • L)]

Fixed Price of (Semi-) Routed Surface-Water per unit volume [$/L3]

Costs for Vertical Lift of (Semi-)Routed Surface-Water from Reach to Cell per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Delivery Costs of (Semi-)Routed Surface-Water per unit volume, per unit distance [$/(L3 • L)]

Fixed Price of Non-Routed Surface-Water per unit volume [$/L3]


[Farm-ID, ALLOTGW] read* NFARMS with READOP[5] if IALLOTGW = 1

Farm identity to which the groundwater allotment applies

Groundwater allotment. It represents a maximum pumping limit for a particular farm's total allowable pumping. That is the sum of all the farm wells rates specified for a farm are reduced evenly to equal ALLOTGW if they exceed it.


Locations of Diversion for Semi-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries

[Farm-ID Row Column Segment Reach] read* NFARMS times with READOP[7] if ISRDFL = 1

Farm identity to which the parameter below are attributed.

Row number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Column number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Number of stream segment in which the diversion reach (for ISRDFL > 0) or  return flow reach (for ISRRFL > 0) is located (must be equal to the number of the identical stream reach specified in column four of the data list defined in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). Segments are defined for SFR2 only and are specified as 0 for SWR delivery locations. A zero segment number automatically indicates that this is an SWR semi-routed delivery location.

Number of reach from which diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or to which the return flow (for ISRRFL > 0) occurs (must be equal to the number of the identical reach specified in column five of the data list in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). If the reach represents an SWR delivery, then the reach number corresponds to REACH

Four options of data input (marked by “x”) are available in order to uniquely identify the point of diversion or return flow within a cell:










Full set of information is available

Maximum information





If more than one segment passes through the cell

User prefers identification of location by row/column coordinates





If just one segment passes through the cell





If more than one segment pass through the cell

User prefers identification of location by segment and reach number


Locations of Return Flow for Semi-Routed Surface-Water Runoff

[Farm-ID Row Column Segment Reach] read* NFARMS times with READOP[7] if ISRRFL = 1

Farm identity to which the parameter below are attributed.

Row number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Column number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Number of stream segment in which the diversion reach (for ISRDFL > 0) or  return flow reach (for ISRRFL > 0) is located (must be equal to the number of the identical stream reach specified in column four of the data list defined in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). Segments are defined for SFR2 only and are specified as 0 for SWR delivery locations. A zero segment number automatically indicates that this is an SWR semi-routed delivery location.

Number of reach from which diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or to which the return flow (for ISRRFL > 0) occurs (must be equal to the number of the identical reach specified in column five of the data list in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). If the reach represents an SWR delivery, then the reach number corresponds to REACH

Four options of data input (marked by “x”) are available in order to uniquely identify the point of diversion or return flow within a cell:










Full set of information is available

Maximum information





If more than one segment passes through the cell

User prefers identification of location by row/column coordinates





If just one segment passes through the cell





If more than one segment pass through the cell

User prefers identification of location by segment and reach number

Data for each Stress Period



Flag and counter

> 0 ITMP = number of nonparameter farm-wells read for the current stress period.
= 0 no nonparameter farm-wells are read for the current stress period.
< 0 nonparameter farm-well data from the last stress period will be reused.

= P

for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, up to the maximum number of parent model nonparameter farm-well list entries may be used as child model nonparameter farm wells in well locations, where the child model farm ID coincides with the parent model farm ID. For child model nonparameter farm wells pulled from parent model nonparameter farm wells, the list entries printed to the list file are appended to the list entries of nonparameter farm wells specified for the child model.

Nonparent parameter farm wells are excluded from being used for a child model farm if the same nonparameter wells are already specified for that child model farm.

(ITMPP is optional only for for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1).

Number of multiplier parameters in use in the current stress period.


[Layer Row Column Farm-Well-ID Farm-ID QMAX] {MNW2NAM} [abc] read* ITMP times with READOP[3] if ITMP > 0

If, for ILGR>0 and IGRID>1, if ITMPP (item 22) is equal to “P,” then no parameter or nonparameter farm-well list entries, respectively, as defined below need to be specified.

Layer number of cell containing the farm-well (for farm-wells linked to multi-layer wells defined in the Multi‑Node Well Package: Layer No. = 0)

Row number of cell containing the farm well

Column number of cell containing the farm well

Farm-well identity associated with the farm well (to establish a link of a farm-well to a well defined in the Multi-Node Well Package: use “negative” Farm-Well-ID, for example, –10)

Farm identity to which the farm-well is attributed

Maximum Well Capacity [L3/T] (positive value = maximum possible discharge rate).

Multi-Node Well Package Version 2 Well Name that will be linked to the farm process. MNW2NAM is a character variable of maximum length 20 that is read only when MNW2 package is active and Farm-Well-ID < 0. When linked to MNW2 the the layer, row and column specified by well MNW2NAM in MNW2 will overwrite the previously defined values. See also WELLID in the MNW2 package.

Represents any auxiliary variables for a farm-well that have been defined in Item 2. The auxiliary variables must be present in each repetition of Items 4 and 22.

If the optional flag for {Option} in Item 2 is set to “AUX QMAXRESET,” then the auxiliary variable for [xyz] in column 7 of the farm wells list is defined to be a binary parameter that tells when to reset the MNW-simulated QMAX rate to the FMP-defined default QMAX rate.

0 = The MNW-simulated QMAX is reset at the beginning of each stress period.
1 = The MNW-simulated QMAX is reset at the beginning of each time step.

If the optional flag for {Option} in Item 2 is set to AUX NOCIRNOQ, FMP will limit the distribution of farm pumpage to farm wells, whose row and column coincides with a top layer cell with a current irrigation requirement from active crops. The optional flag “AUX NOCIRNOQ” requires FMP to read an auxiliary variable after the QMAXfact or QMAX variable of the farm wells list in Item 4 or 22, or after any other preceding auxiliary variable (e.g. AUX QMAXRESET). The auxiliary variable for “AUX NOCIRNOQ” is defined to be a binary parameter that tells which wells are selected for the NOCIRNOQ option.

If a “1” is read, then the respective well is selected for setting its maximum capacity to zero if, during a particular time step, no crop irrigation requirement of the top layer cell exists. At each new time step the maximum capacity of such a select well will be reset to the default value.

The parameter(s) in column 7 of the well list are ignored, if the option flag “AUX QMAXRESET and AUX NOCIRNOQ are not specified.

If the user specifies the NWT solver option, the additional option for smooth reduction of farm well pumpage is available. This smoothing is identical to what NWT does to the WEL Package (Niswonger and others, 2011) and is initiated by including at the start of each Farm well input data set (Item 4 and 23) with the key word “SPECIFY” as follows:







Minimum fraction of model cell thickness before pumping reduction is initiated, same as PHIRAMP (Niswonger and others, 2011)

Minimum saturated thickness of model cell before pumping reduction is initiated.

Pumping reduction is initiated depending on whichever of these two variables is a smaller fraction of model cell thickness for each model cell containing a farm well.


[Pname] [Iname] ] read NP times if NP > 0. Item 24 is not read if NP is 0. Iname is read if Pname is a time-varying parameter.

Name of multiplier parameter being used in the current stress period. NP parameter names will be read.

Instance name read only if Pname is a time-varying parameter. Multiple instances of the same parameter are not allowed in a stress period.


[Farm-ID, ALLOTGW] read* NFARMS with READOP[5] if IALLOTGW = 2

Farm identity to which the groundwater allotment applies

Groundwater allotment. It represents a maximum pumping limit for a particular farm's total allowable pumping. That is the sum of all the farm wells rates specified for a farm are reduced evenly to equal ALLOTGW if they exceed it.


[IFID(NROW,NCOL)] read with U2DINT if IFRMFL = 2

Farm identity. For every active cell, this must be a number from 1 to NFARMS.

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, IFID = P, then the child model’s farm identity array is derived automatically from the parent farm identity. In this case, farm related data lists (see below) are skipped and need not to be specified.

The farm identification numbering scheme is inversely proportional to its rank (water-right seniority).


[Farm-ID OFE(FID,CID), OFE(FID,CID), … , OFE(FID,CIDNCROPS)] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if IEFFL = 2

Farm identity to which the parameters below are attributed

On-farm Efficiency per farm (real number between 0 and 1; 0. ≤ OFE ≤ 1.), or
OFE(Farm-ID, Crop-IDNCROPS) On-farm Efficiency per farm and per crop (real number; 0. ≤ OFE ≤ 1.),


[CID(NCOL,NROW)] read with U2DINT if IROTFL = -1

Crop type identity

If, for ILGR > 0 and IGRID > 1, ICID = P, then the child model’s crop-type identity array is derived automatically from the parent crop-type identity. In this case, crop-type related data lists (see below, Items 11–15, 25–29) are skipped and need not to be specified.


READOPTION [Crop-ID ROOT] read* NCROPS times with READOP[4] if IRTFL = 2

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Depth of root zone [L]. The rooting zone depth must be greater than zero.


[Crop-ID CU NONIRR] read* NCROPS times with READOP[4] if ICUFL = 2 < 3

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

CU Crop consumptive use flux [L/T] if ICUFL = 1, 2; crop coefficient if ICUFL = –1

Non-irrigation flag:

0 = crop type is irrigated (zero value can be omitted)

1 = crop type is not irrigated


ETR(NCOL,NROW) read with U2DDP if ICUFL = 1 or -1

Reference Evapotranspiration (see climate related data) [L/T]


[Crop-ID FTR FEP FEI] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IFTEFL = 2

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Transpiratory fraction of consumptive use (0 ≤ FTR ≤ 1)

Evaporative fraction of consumptive use related to precipitation (0 ≤ FEP ≤ 1)

Evaporative fraction of consumptive use related to irrigation (0 ≤ FEI < 1)


[Crop-ID FIESWP FIESWI] read* NCROPS times with [5] if IIESWFL = 2

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to precipitation (0 ≤ FIESWP ≤ 1)

Fraction of in-efficient losses to surface-water related to irrigation (0 ≤ FIESWI ≤ 1)


[PFLX(NROW,NCOL)] read with U2DDP if IPFL = 2

Precipitation flux (see climate related data) [L/T]


[Crop-ID WPF-Slope WPF-Int Crop-Price] read* NCROPS times with READOP[5] if IDEFFL > 0 and if IBEN = 2.

Crop type identity, to which the parameters below are attributed.

Slope of crop-specific water-production function (yield vs. ETc-act)

Intercept of crop-specific water-production function (yield vs. ETc-act) (can be zero).

Market-price per crop [value/weight]


[Farm-ID GWcost1 GWcost2 GWcost3 GWcost4 SWcost1 SWcost2 SWcost3 SWcost4] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if IDEFFL > 0 and ICOST = 2.

Farm identity to which the cost coefficients below are attributed.

Groundwater Base Maintenance Costs per unit volume [$/L3]

Groundwater Costs for Pumping in Well per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Groundwater Costs for Vertical Lift from Well to Cell per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Groundwater Delivery Costs per unit volume, per unit distance [$/(L3 • L)]

Fixed Price of (Semi-) Routed Surface-Water per unit volume [$/L3]

Costs for Vertical Lift of (Semi-)Routed Surface-Water from Reach to Cell per unit volume, per unit lift [$/(L3 • L)]

Delivery Costs of (Semi-)Routed Surface-Water per unit volume, per unit distance [$/(L3 • L)]

Fixed Price of Non-Routed Surface-Water per unit volume [$/L3]


[Farm-ID (NRDV NRDR NRDU)1, (NRDV NRDR NRDU)2, … , (NRDV NRDR NRDU)MXNRDT] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if INRDFL = 1. A maximum number of MXNRDT types of nonrouted deliveries is read for each farm. One set of variables NRDV, NRDR, and NRDU is read for a certain unranked type t of a nonrouted delivery by (NRDV NRDR NRDU)t . See WELLFIELD option.

Farm identity to which the parameter below are attributed

Volume of Non-Routed Delivery Type [L3]. If the WELLFIELD option is used, this is a dummy value.

Rank of Non-Routed Delivery Type. (Must be greater than or equal to 1.)

Binary “NRDuse-Flag” of Non-Routed Delivery Type:

if < 0: The negative of the virtual well farm ID. See WELLFIELD option.
if 0: only the amount sufficient is used to meet the farm’s demand,
if 1: the absolute amount available is used; surplus discharged back into farm’s head gate reach.
if 2: the absolute amount available is used; surplus injected into farm wells attributed to farm ID.


Locations of Diversion for Semi-Routed Surface-Water Deliveries

[Farm-ID Row Column Segment Reach] read* NFARMS times with READOP[7] if ISRDFL = 2

Farm identity to which the parameter below are attributed.

Row number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Column number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Number of stream segment in which the diversion reach (for ISRDFL > 0) or  return flow reach (for ISRRFL > 0) is located (must be equal to the number of the identical stream reach specified in column four of the data list defined in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). Segments are defined for SFR2 only and are specified as 0 for SWR delivery locations. A zero segment number automatically indicates that this is an SWR semi-routed delivery location.

Number of reach from which diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or to which the return flow (for ISRRFL > 0) occurs (must be equal to the number of the identical reach specified in column five of the data list in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). If the reach represents an SWR delivery, then the reach number corresponds to REACH

Four options of data input (marked by “x”) are available in order to uniquely identify the point of diversion or return flow within a cell:










Full set of information is available

Maximum information





If more than one segment passes through the cell

User prefers identification of location by row/column coordinates





If just one segment passes through the cell





If more than one segment pass through the cell

User prefers identification of location by segment and reach number


Locations of Returnflow for Semi-Routed Surface-Water Runoff

[Farm-ID Row Column Segment Reach] read* NFARMS times with READOP[7] if ISRRFL = 2

Farm identity to which the parameter below are attributed.

Row number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Column number of point of diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or return flow (for ISRRFL > 0)

Number of stream segment in which the diversion reach (for ISRDFL > 0) or  return flow reach (for ISRRFL > 0) is located (must be equal to the number of the identical stream reach specified in column four of the data list defined in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). Segments are defined for SFR2 only and are specified as 0 for SWR delivery locations. A zero segment number automatically indicates that this is an SWR semi-routed delivery location.

Number of reach from which diversion (for ISRDFL > 0) or to which the return flow (for ISRRFL > 0) occurs (must be equal to the number of the identical reach specified in column five of the data list in the SFR2 input file defined for the entire simulation). If the reach represents an SWR delivery, then the reach number corresponds to REACH

Four options of data input (marked by “x”) are available in order to uniquely identify the point of diversion or return flow within a cell:










Full set of information is available

Maximum information





If more than one segment passes through the cell

User prefers identification of location by row/column coordinates





If just one segment passes through the cell





If more than one segment pass through the cell

User prefers identification of location by segment and reach number


[ALLOTSW] read if IALLOTSW = 1

Surface-water allotment height [L] for a stress period.


[Farm-ID CALL] read* NFARMS times with READOP[5] if IALLOTSW = 2

Farm identity to which the parameter below is attributed

Water Rights Call attributed to a farm [L3/T]