By Steven K. Predmore, Kathryn M. Koczot, and Katherine S. Paybins
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
This section contains well information, which includes information on construction, water quality, water level, pumpage, and location.
Description: Well-construction information. Data type: DATA TABLE. Source: Modified from: (a) Ventura County, Department of Public Works, 1991a, Untitled: Digital data files of well construction information: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works). (b) U.S. Geological Survey, (ongoing), National Water Information System (Digital data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, 5735 Kearny Villa Road Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123). (c) California Department of Public Works, 1933, Ventura County investigation: California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 46, 244 p., pl. B and XLIX. Method of entry: Data were obtained as text files, formatted to meet the data-base input requirements, and imported into a data table. Quality control: Information in the data table was verified with the original text files. Erroneous values were identified and corrected. Final update: November 30, 1993 Description of variables: CONSTRUCTION data table.
Variable Type Length Definition
WELLID Character 12 Identification number. BASIN Character 5 California Department of Public Works subarea code. QUAD Character 4 Name of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle in which the well is located. PERMIT# Character 4 Ventura County drilling permit number. DRILLER Character 20 Name of the drilling company. DATE Character 5 Month and year the well was drilled. YEAR Integer 2 The year the well was drilled. LSE_ACCUR Character 1 Identifies land-surface elevation as surveyed or taken from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. LSE Floating 7 Land-surface elevation, in feet above sea decimal level. RP_ACCUR Character 1 Measuring point accuracy. RP Floating 7 Measuring point elevation, in feet above sea decimal level. DEPTH Integer 5 Depth the well was drilled, in feet below sea level. WELL_DIAM Character 2 Diameter of hole, in inches. CASING_DEPTH Integer 4 Casing depth, in feet. CASING_DIAM Character 4 Casing diameter, in inches. TOP Integer 4 Depth to top of screen interval, in feet. BOP Integer 4 Depth to bottom of screen, in feet. DRAWDOWN Floating 5 Drawdown from pump tests, in feet. decimal LOG Character 8 Type of drilling log. AQUIF_DESIG Character 12 Aquifer where well is screened. WELL_USE Character 12 Use classification. CONDITION Character 12 Condition classification. GPM Floating 6 Production rate, in gallons per minute. decimal SPEC_CAP Floating 7 Specific capacity, in gallons per minute per decimal foot of draw down.
Description: Water-quality measurements for wells in the Santa Clara-Calleguas drainage basin,1923 to December 1995. Data type: DATA TABLE. Source: Modified from: (a) Ventura County Department of Public Works, 1994c, Untitled: Digital data files of water-quality information for 1989 to 1994: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works). (b) U.S. Geological Survey, (ongoing), National Water Information System (Digital data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, 5735 Kearny Villa Road Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123). Method of entry: Water-quality data were obtained as text files, formatted to meet the data-base input requirements, and imported into a data table. Quality control: Information in the data table was verified with the original text files. Erroneous values were identified and corrected. Final update: December 1995 Description of variables: QW.MASTER data table.
Variable Type Length Definition
WELLID Character 12 Identification number. DATE Date 8 Date sample collected. TIME Integer 4 Time collected. TEMPERATURE Numeric 5 Water temperature of sample, in degrees Fahrenheit. BASIN Character 5 California Department of Water Resources identification number of hydrologic subunits. NAME Character 30 Name of hydrologic subunit in which the well is located. SO4 Numeric 7 Sulphate, in milligram per liter (mg/L). CL Numeric 7 Chloride, in mg/L. DBASE Integer 2 Identifies the original data source.
Description: Water-level records for wells in the Santa Clara-Calleguas drainage basin, 1912 to December 1995. Data type: DATA TABLE. Source: Modified from: (a) Ventura County, Department of Public Works, 1994b, Untitled: Digital data files of water-level data for 1989 to 1994: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works). (b) U.S. Geological Survey, (ongoing), National Water Information System (Digital data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, 5735 Kearny Villa Road Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123). Method of entry: Water-level data were obtained as text files, formatted to meet the data-base input requirements, and imported into a data table. Quality control: Information in the data table was verified with the original text files. Erroneous values were identified and corrected. Final update: December 1995 Description of variables: MASTER.WL data table.
Variable Type Length Definition
WELLID Character 12 Identification number. DATE Integer 8 Date of water-level measurement. WSE Numeric 6 Water-surface elevation, in feet above sea level. DBS Numeric 6 Depth of water level below land surface, in feet. NAME_7.5 Character 30 Name of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle in which the well is located.
Description: Selected reported pumpage for wells in the Santa Clara-Calleguas drainage basin, 1979 to December 1995. Data type: DATA TABLE. Source: Modified from: (a) United Water Conservation District, 1994, Untitled: Digital data files of pumpage data for 1989 to 1995. Ventura County, Calif., (on file with United Water Conservation District). (b) Ventura County, Department of Public Works, 1989, Untitled: Digital data file of pumpage: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works). (c) Groundwater Management Agency, 1992, Untitled: Digital data files of pumpage data: Ventura, Calif. (on file with the Groundwater Management Agency). Method of entry: Pumpage data were obtained as text files, formatted to meet the data base input requirements, and imported into a data table. Quality control: Information in the data table was verified with the original text files. Erroneous values were identified and corrected. Final update: December 1995 Description of variables: PUMP.ALL data table.
Variable Type Length Definition
WELLID Character 12 Identification number. YEAR Integer 2 Year. REPT_PERIOD Integer 1 Identifies reporting period as first half of year (1) or second half of year (2). EXTRACT_AG Floating 10 Pumpage for agricultural use, in acre-feet. decimal EXTRACT_NON_AG Floating 10 Pumpage for nonagricultural use, in acre-feet. decimal EXTRACT Floating 10 Total pumpage, in acre-feet. decimal SOURCE Character 8 Source.
Description: Wells used in Regional Aquifer-System Analysis study. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: (a) California Department of Water Resources, (ongoing), Untitled: Maps of well locations (on file with California Department of Water Resources). (b) U.S. Geological Survey, (ongoing), National Water Information System (Digital data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, 5735 Kearny Villa Road Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123). Source scale: (a) 1:24,000 (b) Not applicable. Source projection: (a) Based on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles. (b) Not applicable. Method of entry: Well location data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to UTM coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of coverage: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: December 12, 1994 Description of variables: WELLS_ALL point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
WELLID Character 12 Identification number. LAT Floating 8 Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. decimal LONG Floating 9 Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. decimal LSE Floating 9 Land-surface elevation, in feet above sea level. decimal LSE_DEM Floating 12 Land-surface elevation, in feet above sea level, calculated decimal from the digital elevation model. NAME_7.5 Character 50 Name of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle in which the well is located. NAME_100K Character 50 Name of the U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangle in which the well is located. BASIN Character 4 California Department of Water Resources identification number. NAME Character 30 Name of hydrologic subunits. BASIN_NAME Character 20 Abbreviated name.
Description: Selected ground-water levels for autumn 1931 from State of California Department of Public Works. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: California Department of Public Works, 1933, Ventura County investigation: California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 46, 244 p., pl. XLIX. Source scale: 1:108,600 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Water levels were manually digitized from a paper source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: July 23, 1993 Description of variables: WL1931 line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
CONTOUR(FT) Integer 6 Ground-water-level elevation above sea level, in feet.