By Steven K. Predmore, Kathryn M. Koczot, and Katherine S. Paybins
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
California Department of Public Works, 1933, Ventura County investigation: California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 46, 244 p., pl. B and XLIX.
----- 1950, Crop survey -- Ventura County surveyed 1949-50: Unpublished map series on file with California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, Los Angeles Office.
California Department of Water Resources, 1964, Names and areal code numbers of hydrologic areas in the Southern District: California Department of Water Resources, Office Report, 57 p., pl. 4.
----- 1970, Ventura County land-use survey: 1969 Ventura County and upper Santa Clara River drainage area land and water-use study: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, Memorandum Report.
----- 1975a, Compilation of technical information for the Ventura County cooperative investigation: California Department of Water Resources, v. II, 234 p., pl. 2.
----- 1975b, Lines of equal elevation on the top of the upper aquifer system: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, Water Resources Management, pl. 1.
California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, 1988, Ventura County and the Upper Santa Clara River drainage area land-use survey, map 63-43 Oxnard, Calif.: Unpublished map series on file with California Department of Water Resources, Southern District.
County of Ventura Public Works Agency, 1990, Quadrennial report of hydrologic data. 1985-1988: County of Ventura Public Works Agency, variously paged.
Greene, H.G., and Kennedy, M.P., 1987, Geology of the California Continental Margin: Explanation of the California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series-- interpretive methods, symbology, stratigraphic units and bibliography: area 2, California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series, Mid-Southern California Continental Margin: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 207, pl. 2A.
Greene, H.G., Wolf, S.C., and Blom, K.G., 1978, The marine geology of the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, with particular emphasis on the ground-water basins offshore from the Oxnard Plain, Southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-305, 104 p., pl. 2.
Groundwater Management Agency, 1992, Untitled: Digital data files of pumpage data: Ventura, Calif. (on file with the Groundwater Management Agency).
Grunsky, C.E., 1925, Report on the water resources of the Santa Clara River Valley: C.E. Grunsky Company, Engineers, 100 p. (on file at U.S. Geological Survey, San Diego, Calif.).
Hanson, Randy, 1995, Untitled: Unpublished data base on file with the U.S. Geological Survey, San Diego, Calif.
Martin, Peter, 1986, Southern California alluvial basins regional aquifer system study, in Sun, R.J., ed., Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program of the U.S. Geological Survey--Summary of Projects, 1978-84: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1002, p. 245-247.
Snyder, John P., 1987, Map projections - a working manual: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, 383 p.
Teale Data Center, 1989, Untitled: Digital data: Teal Data Center, GIS Technology Center, Public Land Survey data, Sacramento, Calif.
Turner, John M., 1975, Groundwater management plan: Lines of equal elevation on the top of the Mugu aquifer: County of Ventura, Public Works Agency, Flood Control and Water Resources Department, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, pls. 1, 2, 4, 5.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Soil survey of Ventura area, California. (Soil maps on orthophoto series taken in 1959 and 1965.)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994, EPA reach file version 3.0 Alpha Release (RF3-Alpha): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Computer tape available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW (4503F), Washington, DC 20460).
United Water Conservation District, 1989a, Oxnard-Hueneme Pipeline with Point Mugu Lateral and Oceanview Pipeline: Unpublished schematic, OH-100-145 8/15/89 (on file with the United Water Conservation District, Ventura, County, Calif.).
----- 1989b, Pumping Trough Pipeline Unit I and Unit II: Unpublished schematic, Y2-1895 7/21/89 (on file with the United Water Conservation District, Ventura County Calif.).
----- 1991a, Untitled: Unpublished map delineating groundwater basins in the United Water Conservation District: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with United Water Conservation District).
----- 1991b, Untitled: Unpublished map representing all pipelines managed or billed by United Water Conservation District: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the United Water Conservation District).
----- 1994, Untitled: Digital data files of pumpage data for 1989 to 1995. Ventura County, Calif., (on file with United Water Conservation District).
Ventura County, 1978, 208 Seawater Intrusion Study, Ventura County: Generalized lines of equal elevation on the base of the Oxnard aquifer zone: Ventura County, Calif., 1 sheet.
Ventura County, Department of Public Works, 1989, Untitled: Digital data file of pumpage: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works).
----- 1991a, Untitled: Digital data files of well construction information: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works).
----- 1994a, Benchmark transect data: Unpublished data on file with Ventura County Surveying and Engineering Department.
----- 1994b, Untitled: Digital data files of water-level data for 1989 to 1994: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works).
----- 1994c, Untitled: Digital data files of water-quality information for 1989 to 1994: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works).
----- 1994d, Untitled: Digital data files of water-level data for 1989 to 1994: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the Department of Public works).
Weber, F.H., Kiessling, E.W., Sprotte, E.C., Johnson, J.A., Sherburne, R.W., and Cleveland, G.B., 1976, Seismic hazards study of Ventura County, California: California Department of Conservation, California Division of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 76-5, 396 p., pls. 3A and 3B.
Whittier College, 1927, Untitled: Aerial photo mosaic of west central Santa
Clara - Calleguas Basin, Ventura County, California: Fairchild Aerial
Photography Collection, Department of Geology, 1:43,200 (approximate), 1 sheet.