By Steven K. Predmore, Kathryn M. Koczot, and Katherine S. Paybins
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
Description: Hydrologic subunits. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: (a) California Department of Water Resources, 1964, Names and areal code numbers of hydrologic areas in the Southern District: California Department of Water Resources, Office Report, 57 p., pl. 4. (b) United Water Conservation District, 1991a, Untitled: Unpublished map delineating groundwater basins in the United Water Conservation District: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with United Water Conservation District). (c)Greg Middleton, United Water Conservation District, written commun., 1991. Source scale: (a) 1:260,00 (b) 1:100,000 Source projection: (a) Unknown (b) Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangles. Method of entry: Ground-water basin polygons were manually digitized from paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1994 Description of variables: BASINS_HU polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
BASIN Character 4 California Department of Water Resources identification number. NAME Character 30 Name of hydrologic subunit. BASIN_NAME Character 20 Abbreviated name.
Description: Selected ground-water basins. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: (a) California Department of Water Resources, 1964, Names and areal code numbers of hydrologic areas in the Southern District: California Department of Water Resources, Office Report, 57 p., pl. 4. (b) California Department of Water Resources, 1975a, Compilation of technical information for the Ventura County cooperative investigation: California Department of Water Resources, v. II, 234 p., pl. 2. (c) United Water Conservation District, 1991a, Untitled: Unpublished map delineating groundwater basins in the United Water Conservation District: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with United Water Conservation District). (d) Greg Middleton, United Water Conservation District, written commun., 1991. Source scale: (a) 1:260,000 (b) 1:126,720 (c) 1:100,000 Source projection: (a) Unknown (b) Unknown (c) Base map from U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangles. Method of entry: Ground-water basins polygons were manually digitized from source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: July 6, 1994 Description of variables: BASINS_GW polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 20 Name of ground-water basin. BASIN_ID Integer 3 Identification number. ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal
Description: Surface-water basins. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: (a) California Department of Water Resources, 1975a, Compilation of technical information for the Ventura County cooperative investigation: California Department of Water Resources, v. II, 234 p., pl. 2. (b) California Department of Water Resources, 1964, Names and areal code numbers of hydrologic areas in the Southern District: California Department of Water Resources, Office Report, 57 p., pl. 4. Source scale: (a) 1:126,720 (b) 1:260,000 Source projection: (a) Unknown (b) Unknown. Method of entry: Surface-water basin polygons were manually digitized from the paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 15, 1993 Description of variables: BASINS_SW polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 40 Name of surface-water basin from source (a). SOURCE Character 7 Modifications made to source (a) data. ID_SOURCE Character 4 Identification number from source (a). GAGED? Character 2 Identifies basin as gaged or ungaged. BASIN_ID Integer 3 Identification number.
Description: Location of selected precipitation stations. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: County of Ventura Public Works Agency, 1990, Quadrennial report of hydrologic data. 1985-1988: County of Ventura Public Works Agency, variously paged. Source scale: Not applicable. Source projection: Geographic. Method of entry: Data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator projection coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1, 1994 Description of variables: PRECIP_GAGE point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
GAGEID Integer 4 Gaging station numeric identification number. LAT Integer 6 Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. LONG Integer 8 Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. ALT Numeric 5 Land-surface elevation, in feet above sea level. LOCALID Character 8 Township, range, and section location of the station. FIRSTYEAR Integer 5 The first year the precipitation station was in operation. STA.NAME Character 40 Name of each precipitation station.
Description: Selected U.S. Geological Survey and Ventura County stream-gaging sites and miscellaneous measurement sites. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: County of Ventura Public Works Agency, 1990, Quadrennial report of hydrologic data. 1985-1988: County of Ventura Public Works Agency, variously paged. Source scale: Not applicable. Source projection: Geographic. Method of entry: Data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1, 1994 Description of variables: STREAM_GAGE point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
GAGEID Integer 15 Station number. VCFCD_ID Integer 3 Ventura County identification number. LAT Integer 7 Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. LONG Integer 8 Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. ALT Numeric 8 Land-surface elevation, in feet above sea level. DATA_TYP Character 1 Data collection instrumentation. DATA_PER Character 15 Frequency of data collection. DATE Character 9 Installation date. GAGE_TYPE Character 3 Recording device or method. DRAIN_AREA Numeric 8 Drainage basin area upstream from the gaging station. STATION_NAME Character 50 Descriptive station name, including stream name.
Description: Selected lagoons in 1904 and 1915. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: Weber, F.H., Kiessling, E.W., Sprotte, E.C., Johnson, J.A., Sherburne, R.W., and Cleveland, G.B., 1976, Seismic hazards study of Ventura County, California: California Department of Conservation, California Division of Mines and Geology Open-FileReport 76-5, 396 p., pl. 3A. Source scale: 1:48,000 Source projection: Based on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles. Method of entry: Lagoon polygons were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: April 2, 1992 Description of variables: No variables were added.
Variable Type Length Definition
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Description: Selected streams and lakes. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994, EPA reach file version 3.0 Alpha Release (RF3-Alpha): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Computer tape available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW (4503F), Washington, DC 20460). Source scale: 1:100,000 Source projection: Geographic. Method of entry: Data were obtained in ARC/INFO interchange-file format and imported into a coverage. Source digital data were provided in latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: October 6, 1992 Description of variables: STREAMS line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 20 Stream name.