U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
Description: Elevation contours of the top of the Oxnard aquifer. Data type: POLYGON and LINE. Source: Modified from: California Department of Water Resources, 1975b, Lines of equal elevation on the top of the upper aquifer system: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, Water Resources Management, pl. 1. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from mylar source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real- world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: OXN_TOP polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.Description of variables: OXN_TOP line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description: Elevation contours of the bottom of the Oxnard aquifer. Data type: POLYGON and LINE. Source: Modified from: Ventura County, 1978, 208 Seawater Intrusion Study, Ventura County: Generalized lines of equal elevation on the base of the Oxnard aquifer zone: Ventura County, Calif., 1 sheet. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from mylar source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: OXN_BOT polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description of variables: OXN_BOT line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Figure 20. Elevation contours of the bottom of the Oxnard aquifer.
Description: Elevation contours of the top of the Mugu aquifer. Data type: LINE and POLYGON. Source: Modified from: Turner, John M., 1975, Groundwater management plan: Lines of equal elevation on the top of the Mugu aquifer: County of Ventura, Public Works Agency, Flood Control and Water Resources Department, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, pl. 1. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from mylar source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real- world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: MUGU_TOP polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description of variables: MUGU_TOP [line] attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Figure 21. Elevation contours of the top of the Mugu aquifer.
Description: Elevation contours of the bottom of the Mugu aquifer. Data type: POLYGON and LINE. Source: Modified from: Turner, John M., 1975, Groundwater management plan: Lines of equal elevation on the bottom of the Mugu aquifer: County of Ventura, Public Works Agency, Flood Control and Water Resources Department, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, pl. 2. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: MUGU_BOT polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description of variables: MUGU_BOT line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Figure 22. Elevation contours of the bottom of the Mugu aquifer.
Description: Elevation contours of the top of the lower aquifer system. Data type: POLYGON and LINE. Source: Modified from: Turner, John M., 1975, Groundwater management plan: Lines of equal elevation on the top of the lower aquifer system: County of Ventura, Public Works Agency, Flood Control and Water Resources Department, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, p l. 4. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into realworld coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: FOX_TOP polygon attribute table.
Column Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description of variables: FOX_TOP line attribute table.
Column Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Figure 23. Elevation contours of the top of the lower aquifer system.
Description: Elevation contours of the base of the ground-water system. Data type: POLYGON and LINE. Source: Modified from: Turner, John M., 1975, Groundwater management plan: Lines of equal elevation on the base of the ground-water system: County of Ventura, Public Works Agency, Flood Control and Water Resources Department, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, p l. 5. Source scale: 1:63,360 Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Contour lines were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into realworld coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: May 1994 Description of variables: FOX_BOT polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Average elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Description of variables: FOX_BOT line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ELEVATION Integer 6 Lines of equal elevation, in feet, referenced to sea level.
Figure 24. Elevation contours of the base of the ground-water system.
Description: Offshore bathymetry. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: Greene, H.G., Wolf, S.C., and Blom, K.G., 1978, The marine geology of the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, with particular emphasis on the ground-water basins offshore from the Oxnard Plain, Southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-305, 104 p., pl. 2. Source scale: 1:62,500 Source projection: California Coordinate System, zone 5. Method of entry: Bathymetry lines were manually digitized from a paper source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: July 11, 1991 Description of variables: BATHY line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
METERS Floating 8 Bathymetric contours, in meters. decimal FEET Floating 8 Bathymetric contours, in feet, as calculated from decimal meters.
Figure 25. Offshore bathymetry.
Description: Selected faults. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: (a) Weber, F.H., Kiessling, E.W., Sprotte, E.C., Johnson, J.A., Sherburne, R.W., and Cleveland, G.B., 1976, Seismic hazards study of Ventura County, California: California Department of Conservation, California Division of Mines and Geology Open- File Report 76-5, 396 p., pls. 3A and 3B. (b) Greene, H.G., Wolf, S.C., and Blom, K.G., 1978, The marine geology of the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, with particular emphasis on the ground-water basins offshore from the Oxnard Plain, Southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-305, 104 p., pl. 2. Source scale: (a) 1:48,000 (b) 1:62,500 Source projection: (a) California Coordinate System, zone 5. (b) California Coordinate System, zone 5. Method of entry: Fault lines were manually digitized from paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: September 1, 1992 Description of variables: FAULTS line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
CODE Integer 4 Unique number for each fault trace. TYPE Character 16 Description of fault trace. SYMBOL Integer 4 Number used to assign a line color. NAME Character 20 Published name of fault trace. SOURCE Character 6 Abbreviated source for fault trace. LOCATION Character 9 Identifies fault as onshore or offshore.
Figure 26. Selected faults.
Description: Selected synclines, anticlines, and monoclines. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: Greene, H.G., Wolf, S.C., and Blom, K.G., 1978, The marine geology of the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, with particular emphasis on the ground-water basins offshore from the Oxnard Plain, Southern California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-305, 104 p., pl. 2. Source scale: 1: 62,500 Source projection: Polyconic. Method of entry: Synclines, anticlines, and monocline lines were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: September 1, 1991 Description of variables: FOLDS line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
CODE Integer 4 Unique number for each syncline, anticline, and monocline trace. NAME Character 21 Identifies feature as "observed," "inferred," or "concealed." SYMBOL Integer 4 Number used to assign a line color.
Figure 27. Selected synclines, anticlines, and monoclines.
Description: Selected surficial geology. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: (a) Weber, F.H., Kiessling, E.W., Sprotte, E.C., Johnson, J.A., Sherburne, R.W., and Cleveland, G.B., 1976, Seismic hazards study of Ventura County, California: California Department of Conservation, California Division of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 76-5, 396 p., pls. 3A and 3B. (b) Greene, H.G., and Kennedy, M.P., 1987, Geology of the California Continental Margin: Explanation of the California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series-- interpretive methods, symbology, stratigraphic units and bibliography: area 2, California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series, Mid-Southern California Continental Margin: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 207, pl. 2A. Source scale: (a) 1:48,000 (b) 1:62,500 Source projection: (a) California Coordinate System, zone 5. (b) California Coordinate System, zone 5. Method of entry: Geology polygons were manually digitized from paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real- world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 30, 1992 Description of variables: GEOLOGY polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
CODE1 Integer 2 Unique number for each degree of consolidation. NAME1 Character 15 Degree of consolidation. CODE2 Integer 3 Unique number for each stratigraphic designation. NAME2 Character 28 Stratigraphic designation. LOCATION Character 9 Location of feature.
Figure 28. Selected surficial geology.
Description: Selected soils. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Soil survey of Ventura area, California. (Soil maps on orthophoto series taken in 1959 and 1965.) Source scale: 1:24,000 Source projection: California Coordinate System, zone 5. Method of entry: Soil polygons and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were scanned from paper source maps with a Contex high resolution scanner and vectorized using Cadcore software. The vectorized data were output in DXF-file format, converted to a coverage, and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 30, 1991 Description of variables: SOILS polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
SOILT Character 5 Name of each individual soil type. CLASS Binary 2 Code describing relative permeability of the different types. SHADE Binary 2 Number used to assign a fill color. HYDRO Character 2 Four hydrologic soil groups that are based on soil properties that influence runoff.
Figure 29. Selected soils.