U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
Description: Location of selected bench marks. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: Ventura County Department of Public Works, 1994a, Benchmark transect data: Unpublished data on file with Ventura County Surveying and Engineering Department. Source scale: Not applicable. Source projection: Geographic. Method of entry: Data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to UTM coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: September 29, 1994
Description of variables: BENCHMARK point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
PID Character 17 Point identification number unique to each surveyed site
Description: Selected fresh-water canals and pipelines, 1912. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: Adams, Frank, 1913, Irrigation resources of California and their utilization: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 254, 95 p., pl. XVI. Source scale: 1:70,400 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Canal lines were manually digitized from mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: October 27, 1992 Description of variables: CANALS1912 line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 30 Name of canal or pipeline from the source map. CANALS_1912_ID Integer 3 Identification number.
Description: Locations of selected cities. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangle maps. Source scale: 1:100,000 Source projection: Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 11. Method of entry: City points were manually digitized from paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 15, 1992. Description of variables: CITIES point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 20 City name.
Description: Location of selected diversions, 1912. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: Adams, Frank, 1913, Irrigation resources of California and their utilization: U.S.Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 254, 95 p., pl. XVI. Source scale: 1:70,400 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Diversion location points were manually digitized from a mylar source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinat locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: October 5, 1992. Description of variables: DIVERSION1912 point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
RIVER Character 19 Name of river at diversion location. DIVERSION_NAME Character 30 Name of source canal or pipeline. CANAL/PIPELINE Character 9 Identifies diversion structure as canal or pipeline. DIVERSION_ID Integer 3 Identification number.
This section contains the land-use information for 1912, 1927, 1932, 1950, 1969, and 1988.
Description: Selected land use in 1912. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: Adams, Frank, 1913, Irrigation resources of California and their utilization: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations Bulletin 254, 95 p., pls. III and XVI. Source scale: 1:70,400 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Land-use polygons were manually digitized from paper source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: November 30, 1993 Description of variables: LU1912 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME_1912 Character 20 Land-use classification. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected land use in 1927. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: (a) Whittier College, 1927, Untitled: Aerial photo mosaic of west central Santa Clara - Calleguas Basin, Ventura County, California: Fairchild Aerial Photography Collection, Department of Geology, 1:43,200 (approximate), 1 sheet. Supplementary data: (b) Grunsky, C.E., 1925, Report on the water resources of the Santa Clara River Valley: C.E. Grunsky Company, Engineers, 100 p. (on file at U.S. Geological Survey, San Diego, Calif.). Source scale: (a) 1:43,200 (approximate) (b) Not applicable. Source projection: (a) Air photo mosaic, not rectified. (b) Not applicable. Method of entry: Polygons were interpreted from a 1927 air photo mosaic onto a mylar sheet. Land-use polygons were manually digitized from the mylar map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 17, 1992 Description of variables: LU1927 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME Character 30 Land-use classification. CODE_1927 Character 10 Abbreviated land-use classification. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected land use in 1932. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: California Department of Public Works, 1933, Ventura County investigation: California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources Bulletin No. 46, 244 p., pl. B Source scale: 1:74,400 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Land-use polygons and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were scanned from mylar source maps with a Contex high resolution scanner and vectorized using Cadcore software. The vectorized data were output in DXF-file format, converted to a coverage, and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1, 1994 Description of variables: LU1932 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME Character 30 Land-use classification. CODE_1932 Character 10 Abbreviated land-use classification. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected land use in 1950. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: California Department of Public Works, 1950, Crop survey -- Ventura County surveyed 1949-50: Unpublished map series on file with California Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, Los Angeles Office. Source scale: 1:15,960 (approximate) Source projection: Unknown. Method of entry: Land-use polygons and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were scanned from mylar source maps with a Contex high resolution scanner and vectorized using Cadcore software. The vectorized data were output in DXF-file format, converted to a coverage, and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: October 6, 1992 Description of variables: LU1950 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME Character 30 Land-use classification. CODE_1950 Character 10 Abbreviated land-use classification. MAP Integer 3 Map-sheet number. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected land use in 1969. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: California Department of Water Resources, 1970, Ventura County land-use survey: 1969 Ventura County and upper Santa Clara River drainage area land and water-use study: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, Memorandum Report. Source scale: 1:24,000 Source projection: Polyconic. Method of entry: Land-use polygons and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were scanned from mylar source maps with a Contex high resolution scanner and vectorized using Cadcore software. The vectorized data were output in DXF-file format, converted to a coverage, and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: June 24, 1994 Description of variables: LU1969 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME Character 30 Land-use classification. CODE_1969 Character 10 Abbreviated land-use classification. MAP Character 5 Map-sheet number. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected land use in 1988 for the Oxnard quadrangle. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: California Department of Water Resources, Southern District, 1988, Ventura County and the Upper Santa Clara River drainage area land-use survey, map 63-43 Oxnard, Calif.: Unpublished map series on file with California Department of Water Resources, Southern District. Source scale: 1:24,000 Source projection: Polyconic. Method of entry: Land-use polygons and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were scanned from mylar source map with a Contex high resolution scanner and vectorized using Cadcore software. The vectorized data were output in DXF-file format, converted to a coverage, and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: December 1, 1992 Description of variables: LUOX1988 polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
ACRES Floating 9 Acreage. decimal NAME Character 30 Land-use classification. CODE_1969 Character 10 Abbreviated land-use classification. IRR/DRY Character 3 Identifies parcel as irrigated or dry farmed.
Description: Selected pipelines within the United Water Conservation District. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: (a) United Water Conservation District, 1991b, Untitled: Unpublished map representing all pipelines managed or billed by United Water Conservation District: Ventura County, Calif. (on file with the United Water Conservation District). (b) United Water Conservation District, 1989b, Pumping Trough Pipeline Unit I and Unit II: Unpublished schematic, Y2-1895 7/21/89 (on file with the United Water Conservation District, Ventura County, Calif.). (c) United Water Conservation District, 1989a, Oxnard-Hueneme Pipeline with Point Mugu Lateral and Oceanview Pipeline: Unpublished schematic, OH-100-145 8/15/89 (on file with the United Water Conservation District, Ventura County, Calif.). Source scale: (a) 1:62,500 (approximate) (b) 1:12,000 (c) 1:12,000 Source projection: (a) Unknown (b) Unknown (c) Unknown. Method of entry: Pipeline lines were manually digitized from paper and/or mylar source maps using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: January 15, 1993 Description of variables: PIPELINE line attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME Character 30 Name of pipeline segments or spreading grounds. PIPELINE_ID Integer 3 Identification number.
Description: Public Land Survey System lines in Santa Clara-Calleguas Basin. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: Teale Data Center, 1989, Untitled: Digital data: Teal Data Center, GIS Technology Center, Public Land Survey data, Sacramento, Calif. Source scale: 1:100,000 Source projection: Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 11. Method of entry: Data were obtained in ARC/INFO interchange-file format and imported into a coverage. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1994 Description of variables: PLSS polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
TOWN Character 4 Township. RANGE Character 4 Range. SECTION Integer 2 Section. MERIDIAN Character 1 Meridian. TRS Character 10 Township, range, and section. TR Character 8 Township and range.
Description: Township and range lines in Santa Clara-Calleguas Basin. Data type: POLYGON. Source: Modified from: Teale Data Center, 1989, Untitled: Digital data: Teal Data Center, GIS Technology Center, Public Land Survey data, Sacramento, Calif. Source scale: 1:100,000 Source projection: Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 11. Method of entry: Section level digital data were acquired from Teale Data Center. The sections were removed from the public land survey to give the township and range polygons. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source maps. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1994 Description of variables: PLSS_TR polygon attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
TOWN Character 4 Township. RANGE Character 4 Range. TR Character 8 Township and range.
Description: 7.5-minute quadrangle boundaries. Data type: POLYGON. Source: U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. Source scale: 1:24,000 Source projection: Not applicable. Method of entry: Data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator projection. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1994 Description of variables: QUADS_BND polygon attribute table.
Column Type Length Definition
NAME_7.5 Character 50 U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle name. NAME_100K Character 30 U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangle name.
Description: Selected roads. Data type: LINE. Source: Modified from: U.S. Geological Survey 30- x 60-minute topographic quadrangles. Source scale: 1:100,000 Source projection: Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 11. Method of entry: Road lines were manually digitized from paper source map using an Altek Datatab AC40 digitizing tablet, which has a resolution of 0.002 inch. The geographic features and control points (points of known coordinate locations) were digitized and transformed into real-world coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was plotted and compared with the source map. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: February 1, 1994 Description of variables: RASA_ROADS line attribute table.
Item Type Length Definition
NAME Character 30 Road name.
Description: Discharge locations of selected wastewater-treatment facilities. Data type: POINT. Source: Modified from: Hanson, Randy, 1995, Untitled: Unpublished data base on file with the U.S. Geological Survey, San Diego, Calif. Source scale: Not applicable. Source projection: Not applicable. Method of entry: Data were obtained in latitude-longitude coordinates, converted to a coverage, and transformed to Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates. Quality control: The coverage was verified with other information when possible but was generally assumed to be without error. Projection of data: Universal Transverse Mecator projection: Zone 11, Y-shift -3.5 million meters. Final update: March 8, 1996 Description of variables: WWTP_SITES point attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
LAT Integer 6 Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. LONG Integer 7 Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. STREAM Character 30 Name of stream receiving wastewater. DIS_AGENCY Character 30 Wastewater discharging agency. PER_RECORD Character 10 Period of record, in years. OUTFALL_ID Integer 2 Identification number.