California Water Science Center
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References California Department of Water Resources, 1975, Bulletin 118–4, Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, Volume 1: Geologic and hydrologic data, 177 p. California Department of Water Resources, 1982, Bulletin 118–4, Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, Volume 2: Santa Rosa Plain, 107 p. California Department of Water Resources, 1982b, Bulletin 118–4, Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, Volume 3: Petaluma Valley, 91 p. California Department of Water Resources, 1982c, Bulletin 118–4, Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, Volume 4: Sonoma Valley, 87 p. California Department of Water Resources, 1983, Bulletin 118–4, Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, Volume 5: Alexander Valley and Healdsburg Area, 60 p. Cardwell, G.T., 1958, Geology and ground water in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Valley areas Sonoma County: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1427, 273 p. Cardwell, G.T., 1965, Geology and ground water in Russian River Valley areas and in Round, Laytonville and Little Lake Valleys Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1548, 154 p. Dames and Moore, 1992, Report, Feasibility study, Aquifer storage and recovery, Sonoma Valley, California, 37 p. Kunkel, Fred, and Upson, J.E., 1960, Geology and ground water in Napa and Sonoma Valleys, Napa and Sonoma Counties, California: U.S. Geological Water Supply Paper 1495, 252 p. Luhdorff and Scalmanini, 1999, Master plan for ground-water development and management, Valley of the Moon Water District, 52 p. Valin, Zenon C., and McLaughlin, Robert J. Locations and Data for Water Wells of the Santa Rosa Valley, Sonoma County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1318, 16p.