FILE: 30680450.12o OP1334086596328 NGS OPUS SOLUTION REPORT ======================== All computed coordinate accuracies are listed as peak-to-peak values. For additional information: USER: DATE: April 10, 2012 RINEX FILE: 3068045r.12o TIME: 19:37:28 UTC SOFTWARE: page5 1108.09 060711 START: 2012/02/14 17:11:00 EPHEMERIS: igs16752.eph [precise] STOP: 2012/02/14 20:12:00 NAV FILE: brdc0450.12n OBS USED: 7084 / 7472 : 95% ANT NAME: TRM33429.00+GP NONE # FIXED AMB: 36 / 41 : 88% ARP HEIGHT: 2.0 OVERALL RMS: 0.016(m) REF FRAME: NAD_83(CORS96)(EPOCH:2002.0000) ITRF00 (EPOCH:2012.1223) X: -2446311.012(m) 0.022(m) -2446311.976(m) 0.022(m) Y: -4788873.415(m) 0.018(m) -4788871.800(m) 0.018(m) Z: 3418227.242(m) 0.031(m) 3418227.365(m) 0.031(m) LAT: 32 36 59.75246 0.027(m) 32 36 59.77331 0.027(m) E LON: 242 56 26.12076 0.014(m) 242 56 26.05965 0.014(m) W LON: 117 3 33.87924 0.014(m) 117 3 33.94035 0.014(m) EL HGT: 10.823(m) 0.026(m) 10.047(m) 0.026(m) ORTHO HGT: 45.708(m) 0.050(m) [NAVD88 (Computed using GEOID09)] UTM COORDINATES STATE PLANE COORDINATES UTM (Zone 11) SPC (0406 CA 6) Northing (Y) [meters] 3608785.813 550193.939 Easting (X) [meters] 494426.201 1924030.826 Convergence [degrees] -0.03202336 -0.44478552 Point Scale 0.99960038 1.00003193 Combined Factor 0.99959868 1.00003023 US NATIONAL GRID DESIGNATOR: 11SMS9442608785(NAD 83) BASE STATIONS USED PID DESIGNATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE DISTANCE(m) DH4102 P472 CAMPELLIOTCS2004 CORS ARP N325321.132 W1170616.845 30528.7 DH4105 P473 JAMACHA_LFCS2004 CORS ARP N324401.572 W1165658.198 16588.2 DM7581 SIO5 SCRIPPS 5-MT SOLE CORS ARP N325026.624 W1171458.825 30593.6 NEAREST NGS PUBLISHED CONTROL POINT DC1602 HIGH CORNER 1934 N323701.637 W1170413.716 1039.2 This position and the above vector components were computed without any knowledge by the National Geodetic Survey regarding the equipment or field operating procedures used.