******************************************************************************** This readme.txt file is a modified version of the file included in the disc that was the digital release for: EVALUATION OF THE HYDROLOGIC SYSTEM AND SELECTED WATER-MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES IN THE OWENS VALLEY, CALIFORNIA by Wesley R. Danskin, 1998 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2370-H U.S Department of the Interior Prepared in cooperation with Inyo County and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power ******************************************************************************** CONTENTS OF THE ZIP FILE All of the necessary computer files are included to run the ground-water flow model including raw data, model input and output files, pre- and post-processing programs, and all necessary uncompiled FORTRAN computer programs. Miscellaneous information including FORTRAN computer programs to convert between different coordinate systems, including model and Universal Transverse Mercator projections of latitude and longitude. Additional descriptive information about selected files and directories. ******************************************************************************** ORGANIZATION OF THE ZIP FILE Most files are saved in ASCII format and should be readable on DOS, Windows, Macintosh, and Unix computer systems. Some files were saved in their native software format, e.g. Excel, using a Macintosh G4 running MacOS 9.0 operating system. Directory names are in all capital letters; file names are in lower case. Multiple-word directory names are joined by an underscore (_). Multiple-word file names are joined by a period (.). ******************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT INFORMATION All information in this zip file is in public domain and can be used freely with acknowledgment of the source: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2370-H (Danskin, 1998). Identification of the following product names does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government: Adobe Illustrator@ by Adobe Systems, Inc. Microsoft Office 98 by Microsoft Corp. Excel@ by Microsoft Corp. ArcInfo@ by ESRI Surface2@ by Kansas Geological Survey Windows by Microsoft Corp. UNIX Macintosh by Apple Corp. ******************************************************************************** LISTING OF DIRECTORIES AND FILES IN THE ZIP FILE The following directories and files are present in the zip file and organized into subdirectories as indicated. Directory names are in capital letters; file names are in lower case. The directory structure is shown with subdirectories separated by a backward slash (\). GW_MODEL GW_MODEL\CONTROL_FILES make.all.files.cpl Makes all input files for the model runss.cpl Runs steady-state model runtrans.cpl Runs transient model GW_MODEL\DATA GW_MODEL\DATA\AG_RECHARGE make.ag.recharge.cpl Runs program ag.recharge.nodes Input file make.ag.recharge.utm.in Input file make.ag.recharge.node.f77 FORTRAN computer program make.ag.recharge.utm.f77 FORTRAN computer program ag.recharge.array.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program make.ag.recharge.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\DATA\CANALS Readme Information and caveats make.canal.recharge.cpl Runs program make.canal.recharge.f77 FORTRAN computer program canal.recharge.nodes Input file canal.recharge.array.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program make.canal.recharge.totals Output listing of totals make.canal.recharge.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\DATA\ET Readme Information and caveats make.et.cpl Runs program make.et.errors Output listing of errors make.et.f77 FORTRAN computer program make.et.in Input file make.et.map Output file make.et.surf2 Output file for Surface II map plots make.et.totals Output listing of totals model.et.array.1984wy Output array for input to model model.etmax.array.1963wy Output array for input to model model.etmax.array.1984wy Output array for input to model model.petbox.array.1963-88wy Output array for input to model model.t.array.1984wy Output array for input to model utm.et.all Input file utm.et.irrigated Input file GW_MODEL\DATA\GW_RECHARGE make.gw.recharge.cpl Runs program gw.recharge.nodes Input file make.gw.recharge.f77 FORTRAN program gw.recharge.array.1963-88wy Output array of model values for input to constflux program make.gw.recharge.totals Output listing of totals make.gw.recharge.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\DATA\LSD lsd.array.62500 Array of land surface datum for ET package GW_MODEL\DATA\PRECIP indep.1963-88wy Input file make.precip.cpl Runs program make.precip.errors Output listing of errors make.precip.f77 FORTRAN computer program make.precip.in Input file make.precip.totals Output listing of totals precip.array.1963-88wy Output array for model REC package precip.array.longterm.average Output array for model REC package GW_MODEL\DATA\PUMPAGE make.pumpage.cpl Runs program make.pumpage.errors Listing of program errors make.pumpage.f77 FORTRAN computer program make.pumpage.in Input file make.pumpage.totals Output listing of totals master.pumpage.acft Input file of pumpage data pumpage.array.lay1.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program pumpage.array.lay2.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program GW_MODEL\DATA\STREAMS runoff.percent.normal.1963-88wy Input file of percent of average runoff make.stream.recharge.cpl Runs program stream.recharge.nodes Input file make.stream.recharge.f77 FORTRAN computer program stream.recharge.array.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program make.stream.recharge.totals Output listing of totals make.stream.recharge.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\DATA\UNDERFLOW model.boundary.flux Input file of underflow GW_MODEL\DATA\UNGAGED make.ungaged.recharge.cpl Runs program make.ungaged.recharge.f77 FORTRAN computer program ungaged.recharge.nodes Input file ungaged.recharge.array.1963-88wy Output array for input to constflux program (filename truncated) make.ungaged.recharge.totals Output listing of totals make.ungaged.recharge.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\DATA\WELLS master.well.locations Master file of well locations GW_MODEL\MODFLOW_CODE modflow.f77 FORTRAN computer program for model GW_MODEL\MODFLOW_INPUT steady.basic.pack MODFLOW BAS package for steady-state run steady.bcf MODFLOW BCF package for steady-state run transient.basic.pack MODFLOW BAS package for transient run transient.bcf MODFLOW BCF package for transient run model.conjgrad MODFLOW Conjugate gradient package model.well MODFLOW WEL package model.drain MODFLOW DRN package model.errors Listing of errors for model run model.et MODFLOW ET package model.genhead MODFLOW GHB package (not used) model.ibound.lay1 Ibound data for model layer 1 (upper) model.ibound.lay2 Ibound data for model layer 2 (lower) model.out Output listing of model results model.outop MODFLOW output control package model.recharge MODFLOW REC package model.recharge.precip.rates MODFLOW REC package, array of recharge rates model.river MODFLOW RIV package model.sip MODFLOW SIP package model.ssor MODFLOW SSOR package model.stheads.1963wy.lay1 Starting heads for model layer 1 (upper) model.stheads.1963wy.lay2 Starting heads for model layer 2 (lower) model.totals Model output budget in spreadsheet format (requires FORTRAN unit 90 be opened) model.transmissivity.lay1 Transmissivity for model layer 1 (upper) model.transmissivity.lay2 Transmissivity for model layer 2 (lower) model.storage.lay1 Storage coefficients for model layer 1 (upper) model.storage.lay1 Storage coefficients for model layer 2 (lower) model.vcont.lay1-2 Vertical conductivity between layers 1 and 2 post.new.stheads.f77 FORTRAN computer program post.new.stheads.in Input file to create new initial heads GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING post.errors Listing of program errors GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING\BUDGET post.budget.cpl Runs program post.budget.f77 FORTRAN computer program post.budget.out Output file post.budget.frontface.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.frontface.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.rightface.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.rightface.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.bottomface.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.bottomface.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.constanthead.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.constanthead.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.drain.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.drain.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.et.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.et.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.recharge.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.recharge.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.river.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.river.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.storage.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.storage.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output post.budget.well.in Input file for cell-by-cell model output post.budget.well.out Output file of cell-by-cell model output GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING\HYDRO post.hydrograph.in Input file of many measured water levels post.hydrograph.wsp Input file of measured water levels, published post.hydrograph.wsp.f77 FORTRAN computer program GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING\MAPLP post.maplp.f77 FORTRAN computer program post.maplp.in Input file post.maplp.map1 Line printer maps of model input or output post.maplp.map2 Line printer maps of model input or output post.maplp.map3 Line printer maps of model input or output GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING\METAZ metaz.curve Input file of lines for map metaz.scales File of scale data for maps metaz.steady.spec.up Specifications for map of upper model layer metaz.steady.spec.lo Specifications for map of lower model layer metaz.transient.spec.up Specifications for map of upper model layer metaz.transient.spec.lo Specifications for map of lower model layer measured.heads.up Measured heads for upper model layer, 1984 measured.heads.lo Measured heads for lower model layer, 1984 GW_MODEL\POST-PROCESSING\NEW_STHEADS GW_MODEL\PRE-PROCESSING pre.errors Output listing of errors GW_MODEL\PRE-PROCESSING\CONSTFLUX pre.constflux.f77 FORTRAN computer program pre.constflux.in Input file pre.constflux.totals Output listing of totals GW_MODEL\PRE-PROCESSING\PRECIPET pre.precipet.f77 FORTRAN computer program model.recharge.precip.rates Output array for input to model model.precipet.totals Output listing of totals GW_MODEL\PRE-PROCESSING\TKS pre.tks.f77 FORTRAN computer program MISC MISC\LAT_LONG latlong.model.f77 FORTRAN computer program to convert latitude longitude into model coordinates latlong.utm.f77 FORTRAN computer program to convert latitude longitude into UTM coordinates model.latlong.f77 FORTRAN computer program to convert model coordinates into latitude longitude model.utm.f77 FORTRAN computer program to convert model coordinates into UTM coordinates utm.latlong.f77 FORTRAN program to convert UTM coordinates into latitude longitude utm.model.f77 FORTRAN program for to convert UTM coordinates into model coordinates ******************************************************************************** ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED FILES Files with a name ending in cpl are control programs used on a Prime computer system. They are similar in function and style to Windows bat files or Unix script files. ********************************************************************************