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Groundwater dating results for the Central Valley aquifer can be found in the data release below. The data release describes the collection and analytical procedures, interpretations of environmental tracer concentrations, and interpretations of groundwater ages by calibration of environmental tracer data with lumped parameter models.
GAMA program information
Groundwater Age Information
References to methods
Faulkner, K. E., Jurgens, B.C., Voss, S.A., Dupuy, D.I. and Levy, Z.F., 2023, Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California.Journal of Hydrology 616, 128818. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128818
Jurgens, B.C., Böhlke, J.K., Kauffman, L.J., Belitz, K., Esser, B.K., 2016. A partial exponential lumped parameter model to evaluate groundwater age distributions and nitrate trends in long-screened wells. Journal of Hydrology 543, 109–126. DOI:10.1016/ j.jhydrol.2016.05.011
Voss, S.A., Jurgens, B.C., Fram, M.S., and Bennett V., G.L., 2019, Delineation of spatial extent, depth, thickness, and potential volume of aquifers used for domestic and public water-supply in the Central Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5076, 34 p.,DOI: 10.3133/sir20195076
Dupuy, D.I., Nguyen, D.H., and Jurgens, B.C., 2023, Central Valley Aquifer Age Dating (1st ed.): U.S. Geological Survey website,
Faulkner, K. E., Jurgens, B.C., Voss, S.A., Dupuy, D.I. and Levy, Z.F., 2023, Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California.Journal of Hydrology 616, 128818. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128818