This disk contains GEOS data recorded at the Garni Seismic Observatory from 1990 to 1993. The data is described in United States Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-216 (USGS OFR 93-216). Some additional data is included. The text of OFR 93-216 is in the root directory in the file OFR93216.TXT. The formatted files for page preparation of OFR 93-216 are in the OFR93216 directory. Log-files (described in OFR 93-216) are in the LOG directory. The playback programs for use on a IBM-PC or compatible are in the PLAYBACK directory. Source code for some of these programs is in the SOURCE directory. The WFPS directory contains some programs, written by Edward Cranswick and Robert Banfill, that can be used to display and analyze this data. The directory WASROOT contains files that were needed in the root directory at the time the data was played back, but were moved here to avoid cluttering this root directory. Data is organized into directories by year and day-of-year.