MF-OWHM Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into MF-OWHM with each official release; these changes may substantially affect users. In this file, packages are referred to by their 3-or 4-character abbreviation. For information and references related to earlier changes in MODFLOW-2005 (Version 1.11.0 08/08/2013), please refer to the MODFLOW-2005 release notes or the publications for these packages, see MF_OWHM.txt or the MF-OWHM Techniques and Methods Report. NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. o MF-OWHM Version 1.0.12 Date: 2016-10-01 gwf2sfr7_NWTRL.f -- Within Module ICHKSTRBOT_MODULE made GLOBAL module variables PRIVATE to prevent name and ambiguity conflicts when both the GLOBAL and ICHKSTRBOT_MODULE are employed in the same subroutine. gwf2swr7_NWT.fpp -- Subroutine SSWR_CALC_DEPTHAREA contained two variables that were uninitialized. This could cause erroneous calculations depending on the compiler option set for the initial value for variables. They have now been set to zero to ensure proper calculation. gwf2sub7_OWHM.f -- Changed Delay SUB package parameters, viz. PARAMETER NSBP IPRNTFLG and using SRNB, DSTR, DHC, DCME, and DCMV, to use the interbed/material number instead of the layer number to prevent an ambiguous reference to the parameter. gmg7_NWT_dble.f -- Fixed uninitialized variable, BIGHEADCHG, so that it is defined at the start of the simulation. This has no effect on run time nor solution, it just makes the code correct. gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- Fixed error that resulted in bad calculation when using LOSSTYPE=GENERAL. gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- Fixed error where partial penetration was not being calculated correctly for cells that go dry. Added better printing of records to list file for partial penetration. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Added code to allow comments within most of the FMP input. Added to FWELLS.OUT the MNW2 name when farm wells file. That is any line on the input that has a # on the first column is skipped. This does not include the entire array read utilities. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Fixed bug that occurred when using with using SFAC followed by the keywords EXTERNAL and OPEN/CLOSE for the array reading utility in FMP. The error caused the external list of scale factors to read an extra line that was never used. utl7.f -- Added check for VANI=0 (vertical anisotropy, VK=HK/VANI), so that a floating point overflow does not occur when using PROPPRINT. Instead a value of zero is printed where VANI=0. gwf2sub7_OWHM.f -- Fixed SUBLINK issue where conductances for "confine" layers were not being updated when using LPF or UPW. HUF and SUBLINK with "confine" layers is no longer allowed ("convertible" layers are fine for LPF/UPW/HUF [ie no changes]). xy_grid_coordinate_interface.f -- Fixed bug where the coordinate system would not be correctly calculated when using a non-uniform spaced grid with the CORNERCORD keyword and not the LLCOORDINATE keyword. o MF-OWHM Version 1.0.11 Date: 2015-05-05 gwf2bas7_OWHM.fpp -- Added PURE and ELEMENTAL flags to LSTCHK function. This improves vectorization/speed for all write statements within MF-OWHM. The function is now: PURE ELEMENTAL LOGICAL FUNCTION LSTCHK(MTYPE) gwf2uzf1_NWT.f -- Fixed bad Unsaturated Zone Volumetric Budget formating to prevent ******** from appearing. Numbers will also appear clearer by switching to scientific notation when appropriate. de47.f, FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f, gwf2bas7_OWHM.fpp, gwf2bcf7.f, gwf2drn7_NWT.f, gwf2drt7_OWHM.f, gwf2ghb7_OWHM.f, gwf2hfb7_OWHM.f, gwf2hydmod71.f, gwf2lpf7.f, gwf2mnw27_OWHM.f, gwf2mnw2i7.f, gwf2riv7_NWT.f, gwf2sfr7_NWTRL.f, gwf2swi27_NWT.f, gwf2swr7_NWT.fpp, gwf2upw1.f, gwf2wel7_NWT.f, parutl7.f, utl7.f -- Fixed bad format specifiers that would lead to printing to output files (e.g. List File) being off by an order of magnitude. Internally the numbers are correct, just what was printed to files. NWT1_solver.f -- Switched the order of array dimensions for certain variables to improve speed. gwf2rip4.F90 -- Fixed budget routine so that budget calculations are only preformed on active/wet model cells (ie Nonzero IBOUND). gwf2sub7L_parm.f -- Changed name of file to gwf2sub7_OWHM.f do to its significant differences with original SUB file. gwf2sub7L_parm.f -- Fixed bad pointer reference when using delay beds. gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- Changed name of file to gwf2mnw27_OWHM.f do to its significant differences with original file from MF-NWT. gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- Removed the an IF block that checks if MNWNOD(15,INODE).NE.hwell and MNWNOD(15,INODE).ne.Hdry and, but the variable INODE is undefined and it sets the variable "iseepflg", which is never used and is set different value in the next section of code. gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- MNW2 wells that have zero cell to well conductance are no longer deactivated for remainder of stress period, but instead contribute zero pumping. This allows for an MNW2 well to come back online within a stress period. This also allows the well to come back online when the next stress period reuses the MNW2 wells (ie ITMP=-1), otherwise the deactivated well would remain deactivated. gwf2drt-_OWHM.f -- Moved code associated with PRINTFILE keyword in SUBROUTINE GWF2DRT7BD, so that it is not bypassed when a drain is located in an IBOUND=0 cell. This keeps the what is printed to a file consistent when cells go dry during a time step resulting in a different number of active drains compared to that was read in at the begining of the stress period. lmt7_NWT.f -- Commented out portion of code that included writing unit numers from UZF, FMP, SWR, and SWI. These unit numbers prevented proper linking with MT3DMS. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Added to FWELLS.OUT the MNW2 name when farm wells are linked to MNW2 wells. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Fixed issue with Crop ID pointer not being established when using LGR and the child model does not obtain its Crop IDs from the parent (ie not using the 'P' option). gwf2hydmod71.f -- Fixed bad pointer reference to SUB array interbed layer that could result in bad hydrograph interpolations. o MF-OWHM Version 1.0.10 Date: 2015-02-15 hydfmt1_7.f -- Increased nmt (max array size) from 5000 to 500000 to accommodate larger hydrograph set and misc. formating improvements. hydfmt1_7.f -- Incorporated to allow user to change stream/binary/unformatted options. gwf2wel7_NWT.f -- Removed unnecessary/redundant call of UPARLSTAL to which checks for "PARAMETER" keyword. gwf2wel7_NWT.f -- Fixed AD routine to remove potential error that could occur when using TABFILES and LGR (i.e. missing SGWF2WEL7PNT). gwf2mnw27_NWTL.f -- Fixed UPW/NWT code in MNW2 that effected Budget calculations in MNW2 CBC when NOT using limiting water levels (Hlim) for a MNW2 well. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Fixed bad pointer in FMP that effected printing to RED_FMP_PMP.OUT when using FMP-MNW2 Linked with UPW/NWT FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Fixed AD error inherited from FMP2 that occurs when using auxiliary keyword QMAXRESET with ICUFL=3 and/or IRTFL=3. FMP3_NWT_SUBS.f -- Fixed bad pointer in FMP that effected printing to RED_FMP_PMP.OUT when using FMP-MNW2 Linked with UPW/NWT tabfilemodule.f -- Added after variable TIMEOPTION [which is set to "SIMTIME" or "REALTIME"] the optional keyword "IGNORE_TIME", which causes TABFILES to to read the time value, but not use them and assumes that there is a one to one relationship with tabfile values that are read in and the model TIME STEP (i.e. the second number in every row of the tabfile corresponds with a model time step). --Additionally after the keyword "IGNORE_TIME" another the keyword "SPBASIS" is allowed to indicate that there is a one to one relationship with tabfile values to the model's STRESS PERIODs. gwf2bas7_NWT.fpp -- Changed name of file to gwf2bas7_OWHM.fpp do to its significant differences with original file from MF-NWT gwf2ghb7_NWT.f -- Changed name of file to gwf2ghb7_OWHM.f do to its significant differences with original file from MF-NWT gwf2hfb7_NWT.f -- Changed name of file to gwf2hfb7_OWHM.f do to its significant differences with original file from MF-NWT gwf2drt7.f -- Changed name of file to gwf2drt7_OWHM.f do to its significant differences with original file Misc. formatting fixes for cleaner output and handling of large integers. o MF-OWHM Version 1.0.00 This version is the initial release (MF-OWHM). NOTES to Users: Please see Appendices of MF-OWHM for all other updates and modifications to packages and processes for MF-OWHM Version 1.0.00 (A) FORTRAN: Modification of to follow the Fortran 2003 Standard. No other changes are noted for this initial release.