By Steven K. Predmore, Kathryn M. Koczot, and Katherine S. Paybins
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-629
This report documents the spatial data base with a description for each
coverage or data- table. Coverages have a figure showing its spatial
extent accompanying its description. The format for the documentation is
shown below.
Description: This field contains a brief description of the coverage or data table. Data type: For coverages, this field identifies the geographic features as POLYGON, LINE, or POINT. For data tables, the field contains DATA TABLE. Source: The references for the source data are cited in this field. Source scale: For coverages, this field contains the scale of the source map. Source projection: For coverages, this field contains a description of the original source map projection, when known. Method of entry: This field describes procedures used to digitize the data. For example, data were either manually digitized, scanned, or imported from (a) DXF files, (b) ARC/INFO interchange files, (c) latitude-longitude coordinates, or (d) text files. Specific information on the hardware and software used is included. Quality control: This field contains information on the specific procedures used to verify the accuracy of digital conversions. Projection of data: This field contains the final map projection of the coverages in the data base. All coverages in the data base are stored in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, zone 11. To maintain greater precision, 3.5 million meters were subtracted from the Y coordinates. Final update: This field contains the date that the coverage or data table was last updated. Description of variables: This field contains the description of variables in the attribute or data tables. Coverages may have more than one attribute table.
Variable Type Length Definition
NAME of the Description of the Length of the A short description. variable in the variable type: field. of the variable. the coverage integer, character, or data file. binary, floating decimal or date.